The total savings in several bank cards and passbooks amounted to 18 million.

Ye Fu took out a pen and paper and began to draft a rough plan.

First and foremost, she needed to find a decorator to renovate the house, especially the doors. She would install two additional protective doors, seal the balcony and windows. The memory of her house being broken into and robbed in her previous life haunted her thoughts.

Ye Fu didn't plan on going to the base. She didn't trust anyone. The community building had only 12 floors, and her apartment was on the tenth floor. In her previous life, the rainstorm flooded up to the eighth floor. Her home was a secure place, so she had to strengthen its defenses.

Furthermore, she needed to procure various living essentials and materials in detail, including food, clothing, medicine, protective equipment, self-defense weapons, household supplies, and more.

Ye Fu jotted down the supplies she needed to purchase, but her hands trembled. She had to allocate her funds wisely, carefully planning every expense.

Recklessly buying a large amount of supplies would surely attract attention. She couldn't make such purchases in a single city.

After creating a simple checklist, Ye Fu grabbed a pair of scissors from the coffee table, went into the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror, trying to force a smile that looked more like a grimace.

Throughout the five years of surviving the end of the world, she had always been on edge and extremely cautious. Seeing her living reflection in the mirror now, it felt unreal, as if she were still dreaming.

With a determined snip, her long hair fell away from the nape of her neck. Examining her newly cropped short hair, Ye Fu let out a sigh of relief.

Grabbing her phone, she rented a warehouse through an online platform. Putting on a down jacket, she headed out with her phone and car keys.

"Xiao Ye, are you at home?"

In the corridor, Chen Dahe and his wife Yan Fen had just returned from grocery shopping. The residents of the community knew each other well. Chen Dahe worked as a chef in a five-star hotel, while his wife Yan Fen was a workshop director in a clothing factory.

Ye Fu paused for a moment and nodded slightly in response.

"Xiao Ye, sorry about your parents."

Ye Fu looked at Chen Dahe without saying a word. She was no longer accustomed to interacting with people and engaging in conversations.

"Where are you going? It's almost lunchtime. Why don't you come to our house for a meal?"

"No, I have something to do. I'll be on my way." Ye Fu quickly departed after saying that.

In the hallway, Yan Fen's voice could still be heard, whispering to her husband.

"She's an orphan once again, but that child is truly unpleasant. She always has a sullen expression, like a cunning fox."

"Alright, enough. Let's not talk about it."

"I can't help it. We all know Ye Fu was picked up here in our community. And let me tell you, Director Ye and Director Shen make around 100,000 yuan in monthly salary, not to mention various bonuses. They must have saved up quite a sum over the years. Education is truly unfair if they can earn that much in a month."

"Stop talking, someone might overhear us."


Ye Fu stood at the corner of the staircase, listening to the grumbling from upstairs, and sarcastically curled the corners of her mouth.

Space Hoarder: Surviving in a Crisis-ridden World [MTL]Where stories live. Discover now