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❝ Huh!? Wait! You guys look similar! ❞

Paimon said as she went closer to the twins, but not too close that the space inbetween them were closed.

Lyney and Lynette looked at each other with a surprised expression. They didn't expect to be THAT well known that their popularity would spread to other nations...kinda.

❝ Oh? I guess we really are popular, dear sister. ❞

Lyney said, releasing a soft chuckle afterwards. Lynette nodded in response.

❝ Yes indeed, brother. We must introduce them to our new show that is happening tonight! ❞

Lynette said, being super excited and energised. She had a huge smile across her face, representing how happy and excited she is.

❝ You're absolutely right! Tonight's show is going to be a blast! ❞

Lyney responded, waving his arm in the air slowly, also having a huge smile spread across his face.

This just left the group In awkward silence, side-eyeing and looking at each other with a "What's going on?" face.

❝ Woah, woah, woah! Paimon didn't mean for us to be invited to Paimon just said you guys looked familiar. ❞

Paimon spoke again, making the twins looking towards her in confusion.

❝ Plus, we even have a friend were waiting for! They got badly injured and they're at the infirmary at the moment. ❞

Paimon added, placing her left hand on her head to scratch gently and her right hand on her hip.

Lyney and Lynette looked at each other with a blank expression then smiled. They both then looked at the group.

❝ Well then, we must go see this friend of yours! We'll be sure to invite them to the show as well! ❞

Lynette said, having a bright smile on her face and her tail wagging in excitement.

Before Paimon could tell them that they misunderstood the situation, Lyney and Lynette quickly hurried them to go to the infirmary to pick you up.

Lumine let out a sigh as they all got pushed in the direction to the infirmary, glaring and side-eyeing Paimon.

❝ Paimon, you should have kept your mouth shut... ❞

Lumine whispered to Paimon as she was still glaring at her. The others agreed with Lumine, softly nodding.

Paimon responded back with a small yet quiet giggle.


Back at the infirmary, you were all healed up and ready to go. You bandages wrapped around your stomach for it had some wounds on it still from Clorinde's attack.

❝ Well, I'm glad we were able to get on good terms. Again, I truly apologize for harming you. I just tried to save your life from that creature. ❞

Clorinde said to you as she escorted you out of the infirmay. You gave her a small smile, showing her appreciation.

❝ It's fine, Clorinde. I'm just happy that you brought me here safely to Fontaine and I'm still fully alive. ❞

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