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You slowly opened your eyes, seeing light as you were staring up at a...ceiling? How? You groaned as you were in the process of waking up, rubbing your eyes.

As you tried getting up from where you were, your body felt sore. You released another groan from your mouth, placing your hand over where you felt the pain.

❝ Oh. You're awake. ❞

You heard a mysterious voice on your right, looking to where you heard the voice. There, you saw a slim female standing in front of your hospital bed.

The female had very dark hair and you saw that she was an electro user. You knew because she had her vision on her chest.

❝ Uhm...who are you? And where am I? ❞

You asked as you sat up on your hospital bed, looking at the female with curiousity and confusion.

The female smiled slightly at your curiousity. She then closed her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest.

❝ My name is Clorinde. You're currently in the infirmary because I...accidentally shot you with my weapon here. ❞

Clorinde said as she showed her weapon to you. Her weapon was a gun, coloured in white and a kind of beige. It was also purple at the bottom.

Wait...Clorinde? You heard that name before...well you had one last question to ask Clorinde. And you thought you were going to freak out.

❝ What nation am I in? ❞

You asked Clorinde.

❝ Oh, isn't it obvious? You're in Fontaine. ❞

Your eyes widened as soon as you heard her statement. Omg!? You were finally in Fontaine!?

You let out a gasp, covering your mouth. This surprised Clorinde, looking at you while being concerned.

❝ Wait! How am I here at Fontaine!? What happened before I lost conscious!? ❞

You asked Clorinde with full energy, making Clorinde surprised even more.

❝ Well, after you got injured, I carried you here to Fontaine. Trust me, it was a long trip. You even made my arms quite numb... ❞

Clorinde said as she looked at you, feeling quite frantic at you now for some reason.

You smiled awkwardly. For some reason, you didn't even care about being shot by Clorinde, you were just happy and enthusiastic to be in Fontaine finally.

But then you remembered something...your friends.

❝ Wait! What about my friends? Where are they? Are they okay? ❞

❝ Ah, your friends actually made it to Fontaine as well. They made it after a few hours when I brought you here to the infirmary to heal. I think they should be at Court Of Fontaine. Fontaines main area. ❞

Clorinde paused for a moment, rubbing her chin softly.

❝ They're in good condition. My friend of mine gave them money since they didn't have quite anything to do while you were unconscious. ❞

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