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The winter solstice council was in full flow when a loud crack interrupted Zeus in the middle of his argument with Poseidon. Just as he opened his mouth to roar at the intruder he did a double take. In front of the Gods stood Chiron the centaur with a large group of demigods, one who was clearly a Hunter of Artemis, a Satyr and what appeared to be a mortal. Chiron appeared to be clutching a note that he looked at in surprise.

"What is the meaning of this?" Zeus thundered.

"I'm not sure, my Lord." Chiron told him carefully.

"What's going on?" Clarisse asked angrily.

"Where are we?" Hazel whispered to Frank. He shrugged, looking around at the strange group gathered around him before nervously glancing at the Gods. He hadn't been claimed yet and frowned trying to guess who his father would be.

"Who are you?" Annabeth looked at the group of Romans she didn't know. They all looked at each other helplessly. Chiron interrupted to read the note in his hand.

Dear Gods, Demigods and others,

We brought you all together to read about a hero who will help prevent the fall of Olympus twice. You are now ten years before Percy Jackson was born. We hope you can finally act like a family and realise your mistakes (Zeus), that some rules don't help, they make things worse and more difficult. The Demigods are from slightly different points in time. Piper, Jason, Leo and the Romans are all from between the fifth and sixth book. Everybody else is from about a week before the fifth book begins. The first five show how Percy Jackson prevented the fall of Olympus for the first time and the next four books tell the story of seven heroes and how they save Olympus a second time.

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The Fates.

The Romans stared at the Gods in surprise and then at the Greeks. The Gods looked down in horror as they realised the Romans and Greeks knew each other in the future. Zeus looked around to find out who had brought them together when his brother spoke up.

"Well, state your name and godly parent." Hades told them all. All the Greek demigods looked to a blonde girl first. She rolled her eyes but sighed and stepped forwards.

"Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena." Athena smiled down at her daughter. Percy looked around, wincing. If this was before he was born then they would not be pleased to find out who he is.

"Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon." He muttered.

"POSEIDON!" Zeus and Hades both roared.

"Peace brothers." Poseidon held up his hand, Then he studied his future son and was pleased with what he saw. "The note said he will save Olympus." Neither of his brothers looked happy about it but they sat back in their thrones. Poseidon made a couch by his throne for Percy to sit on which he did, grinning up at his dad, Zeus made to speak at this but Poseidon glared.

"Clarisse La Rue, Daughter of Ares." Ares grunted, studying his future daughter. Then he shrugged and nodded to her.


"...and Travis Stoll."

"Sons of Hermes." They finished together. Hermes beamed at his kids waving them to come and sit by his throne, conjuring a comfy couch for them.

"Hermes..." Zeus warned.

"It's not like we can avoid our children the whole time we read nine books, father." Apollo told him, rather hoping some of his own children would be there. Ares and Athena both made couches for their children. All the thrones also shrunk to normal human size.

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