Chapter 48: Even if you die, I won't accept you again

Start from the beginning

Jungkook slowed down his pace when he assumed someone else was also present there with Taehyung right now. He doesn't want to barge in because just in case Taehyung might get in trouble with whoever he is inside the apartment right now since he's an issue right now to the press and media. On top of that, Namjoon was also present here a few minutes ago and he walked out looking not so presentable. So it must be something serious.

Jungkook wanted to wait until the person also walks out but his curiosity got the best of him. He quietly walks down the hallway to the entrance and slowly peeks his head to look inside the living room. But instead of an indoor meeting that he was expecting, he didn't expect to see his lover kissing his husband.

Jungkook placed his hand over the edge of the wall as he watched them kiss before his very naked eyes, his grip around the wall slowly tightening as anger and betrayal began to dominate his mind.

Taehyung slowly turns his head forward to look at Jungkook with utmost shock, his mouth slightly hung open because he couldn't exactly decipher why he was just being slapped out of nowhere. Jungkook suddenly surges forward and takes a fistful of Taehyung's collar, bringing the older face to face with him. Taehyung didn't even protest the action because he was too deep in a state of shock.

"How dare you confess your love to me after whoring around with your husband?" Jungkook rasped in an insanely dark tone. Hands gripping Taehyung's collar as if he will rip them at any second while his own chest heaves up and down from the anger.

And that's when everything clicked for Taehyung and his eyes grew even larger, this time, not from the shock but out of fear. Fear of misunderstandings. Fear of losing the younger.

Taehyung gulped and raised his shaky hands to place them over Jungkook's that was gripping his collar. But before he could place them over the younger's fists, Jungkook jerked Taehyung's body by the collar, a silent warning that says to not touch him and that's what Taehyung did. He didn't touch him but his hands were still floating into the air, hovering next to Jungkook's because he is desperate and scared.

"Listen Jungkook, I assume you didn't hear our conversation. It's not what it looks like. The kiss meant nothing." Taehyung let out carefully. Scared and paranoid eyes looked down at the younger as if they were begging him to calm down and listen to him. To trust him.

Jungkook scoffs out a laugh and shoves Taehyung's body away from his out of annoyance, letting go of the collar at the same. The older slightly stumbled backward but he refused to completely let go of Jungkook as he took a step forward again. Even though he was scared, he wanted to stay as close as possible to the younger right now.

"If the kiss meant nothing why would you even fucking kiss him?!" Jungkook yelled out. His hands balled into two fists, eyebrows crooked together in a deep grimace, and veins popping out of his neck because of the adrenaline rush.

"I didn't kiss him, he did!" Taehyung protested with a heavy sulk. Even though he was being defensive right now, his voice was oddly toned down and calm because Jungkook is already hyper right now. Yelling at each other is not the wisest decision to make at the moment.

"Why the fuck would let him kiss you?!" Jungkook yelled out yet again, shoving the elder by his chest harshly and Taehyung took all the tantrums the younger was throwing at him with a peccant face.

"It was a goodbye kiss. He left my life, forever. I promise the kiss meant nothing." Taehyung tried to explain again while slowly attempting to approach Jungkook who only stare back at him, anger still prominent on his face. "Please, Jungkook. Don't do this. It was just a simple kiss. Like a cheek kiss. Please don't misunderstand me." Taehyung tried to stretch out his arms to hold Jungkook but the latter slapped his arms away.

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