Chapter 37: Not everyone deserves second chances

Start from the beginning

Why is everyone around him only confusing him?


After the shower session, Taehyung came out of his bedroom and made his way toward the dining table while rolling up the sleeves of his white t-shirt. The dinner was already served while Jimin was waiting for the younger to join him.

Taehyung eyes the mouth-watering food before his monolid eyes pertained with Jimin's almond one. He showed a small, tight-lipped smile to the older male before pulling the chair backward and sitting down on it. "Thank you for the dinner." He showed his gratitude, taking the metal chopsticks and ready to dig in.

Jimin smiled down at his husband, his eyes disappearing at the process. But then a grimace slowly started to mask his feature and the smile deliberately faded away when his eyes landed on the almost fade-up tattoo printed on Taehyung's neck.

It's been five days since Taehyung got that tattoo, almost a week so the tattoo was already fading away. Thankfully the initial JK was completely gone and is what left behind is the chiot, even though the words were almost unreadable as well.

"Did you get a tattoo?" Taehyung froze on his spot as he tried hard to not cough out the food from inside his mouth. He slowly went for the glass of water and gulps down a few sips before looking at Jimin, as to not make anything suspicious.

"Yeah, I did. Actually, I assembled with a few friends of mine and we hung out in a bar. We kinda made a fun wager and I lost so I had to get an interim tattoo. Nothing biggie." Taehyung made up an excuse while he sips from the glass of water again, not daring to even look up and meet his gaze with the older's skeptical one.

"Oh." Jimin let out but he still wasn't convinced because he thought Taehyung was with the person he's been seeing recently? But soon, he brush off the thoughts thinking it was all in his head and Taehyung probably- actually -went on a business trip, so he masked his discomfort with a smile. "Anyway, I'm glad at least you had fun on your business trip."

Taehyung just nodded while he proceeds to slurp down the ramen, eyes glued to the translucent table, not wanting to extend the conversation anymore.

There was a pause as silence emitted in the whole apartment, only the faint noises of eating sounds were lagging in the air before Jimin's voice yet again slice through it. "So, won't you tell me about the person you're seeing recently?" Jimin asked out of the blue or more like, curiosity led him to raise this topic all of a sudden. Actually, when he said he was being restless ever since Taehyung confessed about his affair, he meant it. The guy has trouble sleeping at night the whole time Taehyung was on his 'business trip'. And the fact that the younger didn't even deny it when he was asked if he was flying with the person he's seeing recently was making him wonder what the older actually was doing throughout his little 'trip'.

His head was hanging low and the tips of the silver metal chopstick lazily poked the food.

Taehyung slowly chews on the sliced duck breast while he eyes his husband from time to time. He gulped down the food after finishing chewing it, "You tell me, when are you exactly going to tell me?" Taehyung asked calmly as he moved his wrist in a circular motion to wrap the ramen around the metal stick.

Jimin tensed up in his spot after hearing it. Did Taehyung find out? "Tell you—tell you what?" he asked, heart hammering in his chest hoping it's something else and as if he was god's favorite, as if God heard him and also responded to his instant prayers, the question was indeed turned out to be something else but way worse.

"When are you deciding to sign the divorce paper?" Taehyung asked, piercing monolid eyes looking up to peer at the short male.

Jimin sighed and looks down at his food again, his thick plumpy lips stretching into a bitter smirk, "So you were really serious about it?" He muttered out.

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