Chapter 35: If you're confused between option A & B go for option C

Start from the beginning

Mr. Kim placed his big hand over the back of Taehyung's shoulder and squeezed it lightly, a silent way to send consolations to his son. The man let out a loud sigh and looks forward at nothing, "The marriage wasn't forced, you know that. I still remember how your face lit up when I offered the proposal to you. You were the happiest. We asked Jimin too and his answer was positive. We just offered you the marriage proposal, but the decision was still in your and his hands and both of you responded thoroughly. There wasn't a sign or any excuse to call off the marriage." His father started while rubbing soothing circles over Taehyung's shoulder with his thumb who calmed down a bit by now, just sniffling here and there. The grip around his hair also loosened as his hands flopped over his thighs.

"But who knew what's waiting in the future? that's how people are, they change momentarily. If you both don't want to stay with each other anymore, If you don't feel the connection—"

"There wasn't even any connection in the first place. It was me, just me. The connection, the feelings, and the love it was from my side only, he was elusive. He never receives nor did he give." Taehyung cut off his father through his midsentence to clarify himself. The soothing motion of the old man's thumb never stopped which Taehyung was glad for. After all, the smallest affection was a huge blessing for him at this moment.

"Then go for it. You're a grown man now. You can take whatever decision you want in your life, we, as your parents don't have the right anymore but we are here, by your side to support you through your verdicts. If you want a divorce, I won't stop you. Just make sure everything goes well with the new guy in your life too." His father assured and smiled down at Taehyung slightly. The younger lad straighten his posture and wiped the tears off of his face while he nods his head, sniffling lightly.

"I will try, father. I will. But I need space too. I need a break too. I just can't jump from one relationship to another one just like that. The relationship is not something we should take lightly." He paused and tilted his head to the side to look at his father before continuing. "One ruined me, I don't want the same to happen with the other one too. Hence, I should think wisely." He explained, slightly red eyes by the edges looking up at his father in vulnerability.

"Of course, you should. Always believe in your guts young man."

Mr. Kim genuinely felt bad for his son and the fact that due to their busy lifestyle and after his business, being also South Korea's one of the most respected politicians, he never paid attention to his family that much. His business was always his priority.

"Thank you for listening to me, father, and also supporting me with my decision." Taehyung showed his gratitude to the old man which he return with another light squeeze on his shoulder.

"If anything, I don't deserve your tribute. Supporting you was the least I could do." His father replied truthfully, letting out a sigh for the nth time.

Taehyung didn't try to sugarcoat his father by saying how it is completely okay because no, it was not. He knows his father has done enough damage to him already, intentionally or not but he did. Knocking the entire business over his shoulder in his early 20s when he should enjoy life wasn't something he wanted or was ready for. Just because his father wanted to join politics, the man selfishly threw Taehyung into the business world at a very young age.

And let's not talk about the irresponsibility of this man as a father, the dearth of love and affection he showed to his sons and family in the name of the excuse that he was busy.

And even when he called Taehyung today wasn't even because he wanted to sit and talk with his son. It was because he was absent from the company for a week when there wasn't even a business trip in the first place.

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