Chapter 8: Pancakes and something new...

Depuis le début

Wednesday made a mental note to ask about this later. As Yoko was sitting down to enjoy her breakfast, Bianca and Divina walked into the room. "Yooooooo you're aliveeeee!!!" Yoko laughed pointing at Divina. Her hair was messy and she had scratches all over her face, arms, and legs.

"Not funny Yok! I could've died!" Divina snapped.

Bianca stared quizically, "I didn't know you cooked Addams...color me surprised."

"There are many things I am skilled at Barcley, cooking happens to be one of them..." Wednesday answered challengingly.

"Have any of you seen Enid?" Yoko abruptly asked. "I would've thought the smell of food would wake her..."

"She's a heavy sleeper..." Wednesday answered much too quickly. Everyone turned to stare at her, mouths slightly agape. "I...passed her room earlier while coming downstairs, she was snoring very loudly..."

"I forgot she's your roommate too. She most likely sleeps in when in school, right? Divina asked while taking a piece of pancake into her mouth.

"Affirmative...I have to wake her up almost every day or else she would be late to all her classes." Wednesday said stoically.

The 3 girls gave each other subtle amused looks. "Why don't you go wake her up now then, so she can join us for breakfast, too? " Bianca asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

Wednesday was not one to take orders, much less from Bianca but if she wanted to eat something Enid had to come down right away. "Fine...I will not be long. Care to leave us a bite to eat for when we return, at least." And she was off.

"That sooooo whipped..." Bianca laughed.

"And clueless!" Divina added laughing as well.

"Come on! They'll get it through their thick skulls soon...I hope..." sighed Yoko smiling.

Wednesday reached Enid's door and knocked lightly. "Sinclair? I am coming in..." She announced, entering her room. Enid was spread out in her bed snoring lightly still. Wednesday poked her in the ribs. "Sinclair! You are expected in the kitchen if you want to have anything to eat soon and I suggest you hurry because I do not think they are leaving you anything but crumbs." She poked again. Enid stirred in her sleep... "Mmm...jasmines...". She smiled, her eyes still shut tight. "Sinclair! Up! Now! Wednesday commanded poking her again and pulling the sheets off..."Shotp it...that tickles..." Enid giggled lightly.

Wednesday her sleep, Enid's tank top pajama had lifted up barely covering her...Wednesday swallowed hard, her throat going dry. "Sin..." she tried to speak. "Sinclair! Wake up!" not poking her but throwing one of her plushies at her face. Enid jerked awake abruptly..."Ouuuuuch! What the...Wednesday?" asked Enid confused and drowsily sitting up, her tank top dropping back down covering her again. She rubbed her eyes and saw Wednesday by the door. "You sleep like a corpse..." Wednesday nodded.

"Hey, Wends..." Enid greeted softly.

"Howdy Enid," Wednesday answered dryly with a hit of amusement in her tone.

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