Chapter 17: Nowadays, even eye witness isn't enough they wan' time travel

Start from the beginning

"Sure," The blonde head said and shoved back his wallet into his back pocket again. The girl showed her gratitude to the attorney by a modest 'thank you'.

Jungkook walked back and look for a seat for himself. The coffee shop was pretty much empty right now with a little amount of people sitting and chatting with each other. He then found an empty seat beside the glass window and thought it would be a great place to relieve his stress and sit by himself.

Jungkook walked to the specific seat and sit down there. He let out a sigh as he looks outside the window through the glass, watching cars and people passing by. Jungkook's gaze fall over the coffee table and he saw a magazine laying there.

He subconsciously went for the magazine and started to randomly roam his eyes over it. Just to pass the time till he waits for his latte.

Jungkook formed his lips into a pout as he was bored and averted his eyes from the magazine to look outside the window again. Outside the window was the footpath, the street is in the middle with other shops and buildings lining up each side of the road.

The coffee shop also has white-colored tables and chairs placed over the footpath. Jungkook could see few people were sitting outside the coffee shop and enjoying their company with each other.

He was about to avert his gaze from the window and look back to the magazine again but he snapped his head towards the window again when he saw a familiar face sitting outside the coffee shop under the umbrella seat.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity and leans closer to the window glass, almost squishing his cheek against the glass as he tried to look at the familiar figure as he was sitting pretty far away from the window.

It was Jimin sitting under the umbrella seat but what takes the yield of Jungkook's curiosity is he wasn't sitting alone. He was sitting with a man whose back was facing towards Jungkook which is why the younger couldn't recognize the man by just watching him from behind.

Though Jungkook can't see the man's face since all the blonde head could see is the back profile of the man, he was still sure and confident that it was not Taehyung.

He's familiar with Taehyung's figure and he's sure this man can never be the older. And top of that, the guy doesn't even have dirty brown hair like Taehyung does.

So Jungkook is sure as daylight that it can never be Taehyung.

But who's that guy? Why is Jimin talking with that man here in the coffee shop? And by observing Jimin's expression he's sure that the man is not one of his clients to have an open meeting here.

Because he can see Jimin's reaction changing from time to time as the conversation continues though he can't hear anything because Jimin is outside the coffee shop and Jungkook is inside. He's just able to see Jimin's face from over the mysterious man's shoulder and that's all.

He can see how Jimin's eyebrows sometimes furrow with anger. Sometimes in annoyance. He can also see sometimes Jimin slamming his fist over the coffee table out of frustration and jerking his face to the side with pure irritation.

And what was interesting was that Jungkook could tell by the movements of the unknown man from behind that the man extracted his hands towards Jimin and patted the smaller's males hands like he was trying to comfort Jimin?

You know like in those couple fights? Where the guilty partner tries to calm their other partner or try to reassure them by holding their hands and caressing the skin to show affection?

But one thing was clear as water, the man sitting before Jimin is not his client or any normal friend. They were more than that and it shows. Jungkook is sure about it. Because what kind of client even talks like that with their merchant?

The blonde head was so caught up by the scene in front of him that he almost forgot to take evidence of this moment, evidence to prove in future complications that this moment indeed exists. Because as a lawyer, he knows the court or the judge is not the only person who'll believe in you as long as you have an eye witness or visual evidence.

So he hurriedly fished out his phone from his pocket and clicked on the camera app to capture the scene before his eyes into his gallery.

Jungkook smirked to himself as he observed the pictures he had just taken. His fingers hovers over the screen when an idea popped out. Jungkook immediately tapped out of his gallery and went to his contacts. He typed the latter 'T' and Taehyung's contact showed up instantly.

He clicked on the contact and then to the text option.



*insert image*

Look at your husband with his little date. Aren't they cute?~

Seen, 4:56 PM


It must be his client

And wtf?!

Are you stalking my husband now?

Seen, 4:58 PM


Stop being delusional, Kim. I have better things to do anyway.

Your husband ain't that special.

Seen, 4:59 PM

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he read the older's reply. Honest to be said, he didn't expect much. He was sure that Taehyung wouldn't believe him and his assumption came out correct.

He just send the picture because. . . you know? Just in case? And much to his expectation, he was right that Taehyung wouldn't believe him.

But he didn't care, to be honest. Because Jungkook now at least has something to start with. At least he knows that Jimin is not as innocent as he likes to appear in front of everyone.

And this picture here is the lead to his path.

He'll come up with better evidence that will shut Taehyung's pretty little mouth and he wouldn't even have any scope to defend his husband anymore which will force him to believe reality.

Jungkook was about to look in Jimin's direction again but he was interrupted by the waitress taking his order to his table.

"Here's your latte, sir. Hope you enjoy~" She said with a sweet smile, her voice even sweeter than her smile as she placed the latte over the table gently. Jungkook nodded and thanked the waitress quickly who bowed slightly and then walks back to the cashier.

After the waitress left, Jungkook looks in Jimin's direction again but frowned when he saw the umbrella seat was empty now. He sighed heavily and heat his back with the chair.

Jungkook looks down at his phone screen and went back to the gallery again. He zoomed in on the photo and observes the unfamiliar man's backside with a blank stare.

"Though I didn't see his face I can tell his haircut is kinda similar to mine, like a Pierre fruit. And his hair color is similar to Jimin's too. I hope I can identify him when I see him." Jungkook mumbled to himself as he wrapped his tattooed fingers around the latte and guided it to his lips.

"But the problem is. . .where can I find him?"

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