" Burn Me "

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Trembling, as she held her legs close, that weak, tiny body of hers leaning towards the blooded stone, slowly shadowed by him

" Quit the whining, child " he spat harshly, unfazed by his child's state

Soon enough, her wailing got lower quickly, till it became silent sobs with sniffles, that was betraying to come out despite the fear

" Now look at me " he demanded, grabbing her horn to lift her gaze forcefully " you see that red thing in your hands? "

He looked at her blooded, trembling, tiny hands then at her " that's your defiance, a sign for you, one of your kind or not, you have to prove to yourself first, that you don't belong to anyone but me "

Suddenly he grabbed her arm by force, putting a shiny little moon ball on her hand " isn't that nice, dear? a father-dautgher time, you know you're the best of your siblings " Chalent didn't buy it that much, the sweetness in his voice was sickly uncomfortable

Dead or not, those siblings got the best part of this situation, unlike her

She didn't say anything, just staring at that moon in her hands

" I wonder ... " his eyes widened at her as it glew yellow eyes " ... what kind of screams that star child can make~? " he chuckled to himself, not noticing the terrified look on her face

" Make sure to make a perfect bond, Chalent " he said calmly, although she can sense the threat in it " you don't want to see Mr. H ... do you? "

" Collector... "

They both flinched at the sudden voice, but still holding each other close, despite the situation, Collector couldn't help but feel the trembling in the arms that wrapped around him

" Chal? " he whispered gently, putting a hand on her face, surprised to see that expression back; frustrated, tired, ... and kind of scared

She sighed, trying to put up a smile, though it was a weak one " I'm fine, really ... "

He looked at her achingly, but before he can say anything, Estoile began to talk

" Listen .... I know that I made a big mistake, and I swear to you, I did go to get you back .. but the Titan wouldn't let me in .... "

Despite the comforting, desperately reassuring tone of him, Collector couldn't get himself to believe Estoile

" You said ... " his tone calmingly sad, as he continues, it gets sadder " you said you would deal with them ... you would make them leave, Estoile ... "

There was a silence outside, then after some minutes, they heard a defeated sigh

" I'm sorry, Colly ... "

He gulped, knowing what would happen next, they both gave each other a look, before heading to a very, big hole

Estoile pushed the door, making it break to pieces, his eyes glowing red, just to see Collector is not here

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