"Oh c'mon, you don't keep the worst company."

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After a week of recovering from the incident at the bar and with Charles, I went to my modeling shoot and then went back to my apartment to be there before Isabelle arrived. Who was Isabelle? Isabelle, otherwise knows as Isa to me, is my brothers 5 year old daughter. My brother, Julien, is 8 years older than me and lives here in Monaco with his wife and daughter. But, with each of our busy lives, it's extremely hard to spend time with each other. Luckily, Julien and his wife, Annie want to spend some time alone for their anniversary, so I gladly offered to have some fun with Isa today. Because Arthur and I are best friends, she has been around Charles and Arthur a lot, and basically the whole Leclerc family.

With the weather being so nice, Arthur and Cara and I are taking Isa on the Leclerc's Yacht for the day. If there's one thing about Isa, she Loves the yacht. Plus, with her age, she can finally swim in the ocean with a life jacket when the water is calm. Luckily for us, the water has been extremely calm these past few weeks, so that means we can all go in the ocean. With all of isa's excitement about today, I didn't waste any time and drove us to the yacht as soon as she got to my house.

When we arrived at the dock, Charles and Carla were already on the boat and getting everything ready so we could leave. Isa was holding onto my hand but as soon as she saw Arthur, she screamed and jumped a little bit. "Arthur!" She yelled with a giggle that could only be described as breathtaking. Every time little Isa laughed, I couldn't help but laugh too. "Isabelle!" Arthur said with a huge smile on his face. I laughed and then looked down at Isa who looked up at me. "Go on, show them how fast you are." I said. Letting go of her hand, she started sprinting towards Arthur. The whole time, I walked behind her and I couldn't help but smile continuously. Every time I was around her, I was reminded of just how badly I wanted to become a mom. Ever since I was 13 years old, I knew I would want to be a mom, so becoming an Aunt at 19 was like a chance for me to see what being a mom was like.

As soon as Isa was born, I wanted to hold her and be around her as much as possible, so that's what I did, except college made it a little hard. Isa has the most contagious laugh, most beautiful smile, and most beautiful personality. Just like her dad and me, she has the most beautiful eyes. My brother from the beginning brought Isa around any chance he got, so we've built a bond overtime that will never be broken...well, it may be tested when she gets to be a teenager, but until then it won't be shaken.

Isa ran as fast as she could on her little legs and jumped into Arthur's arms. We all laughed at the sight of them together and when I got on the boat, Carla came over to me. "She is so cute." Carla said. Walking towards her, we have each other a hug and then continued to watch Arthur and Isa. Isa was currently talking about how her daddy and mommy were going to a special restaurant tonight. The restaurant she was talking about was where they first met at 20. Our parents and us were at that restaurant together when Julien saw the most gorgeous women he's ever seen in his life. It was from that point on that they've been inseparable. From watching how close they are and how many ups and downs they've gone though together, I can only hope that one day, I can have exactly what they have.
"The cutest." I said with a big smile.

All of a sudden Charles walked out from inside of the yacht with only his swim trucks on. It took everything in me not to stare at this man in front of me who shouldn't even be here right now. "I thought you couldn't make it." I said, trying to hide my happiness. It didn't matter if I had an attraction or had a crush on Charles, I loved to hang out with him, even when we were kids. Charles has always been so much fun to be around and he's always kept such great company. I couldn't lie though, I was shocked to see him on the yacht with us all since Arthur didn't mention that he was coming. "Plans changed last minute so I decided to tag along." Charles said with a smile. I nodded with a smile and tore my eyes off of him to look at Isa whose face lit up when she looked at Charles.

It Has Always Been You • Charles LeclercNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ