Chapter 2

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Over the next few days. I had taken to hanging around with the ghouls. They were nice. I came to know their boyfriends too. Cleo was with this gorgon fellow. Deuce. Lagoona was with a rather- odd fellow. Gill. I had almost abandoned my coven at this point. Each day had passed, and each day I sat with the ghouls and their boyfriends with my little cup of blood. That was when a different boy, I had never seen before, threw himself down and sat with us. 

"Frankie Frankie Frankie! Where have ya been!" The stranger squeaked. He had blue skin, and flaming hair, with a tattoo around his eye, alongside a eyebrow ring. He wore strange clothes, as headphones hung around his neck, as they blasted music faintly. "My girl Frankie fine!"

I took the time to nudge Clawdeen, as I jerked my head to the blue boy. As if to say- 'Who's this?'

"That's one of Frankies ex- boyfriends." Clawdeen muttered under her breath. I raised a shocked brow at Clawdeen, which meant 'Ex- Boyfriends as in plural?' to which she nodded at my raised eyebrow. 

"What do you want Holt?" Frankie seemed to be tired of him, as she rolled her eyes. As the blue boy, who I now understood to be called Holt. Clasped Frankies hands. But when he did, he found himself being surged with electricity. He jumped slightly, letting out a scream, as Frankie yanked her hand away. I noticed the bolts around her neck circuiting. "Oh my screams stop!" Frankie hissed in a plead at him. "We broke up weeks ago Holt. Did Jackson not tell you?" Frankie turned away in a slight grimace, like she wanted to avoid the topic. That was when I looked back to Clawdeen, I was confused again. 

"Did Holt not know him and Frankie were broken up?" I whispered to Clawdeen, her eyes widened as she ate her lunch and nodded. It was like my jaw was about to drop to the ground. 

"Frankie fine- don't tell me this is the end." Holt turned to her in a plead, but Frankie just scoffed, snatching her tray, walking away from him, as she clicked her heels across the room and out of sight. Holt sat there across the table, he caught my eye in an awkward stare. 

"Who's this then?" Holt muttered. "Something else I wasn't told?"

"Yeah man, I meant to get Heath to tell you, this is (Y/N)- he's from Vampire Prep." Deuce explained in his chill voice as he texted on his iCoffin. My eyes crashed to Holts bright yellow ones. 

"Oh? Another vampire around? Where's Draculaura?" Holt raised a brown to Cleo, as she looked up from her phone. 

"She's not back from Europe yet, her dad made them go by boat or something and the seas aren't good at the moment. Her reception is horrible, so she's been sending me letters- in the mail! Would you believe it?" Cleo spoke in a disbelief for a moment, as she went back to texting. 

"Who's Draculaura?" I piped up, Clawdeen laughed. 

"Draculaura is one of our ghoul friends, you'll meet her soon enough. If you haven't guessed it- she's a vampire too. Vegetarian though." Clawdeen explained as she cut at her raw meat. I smiled at her words, as I fidgeted with the straw. I looked back up at Holt. His eyes didn't leave me, as the music around his neck blared. 

"Listen, I'm having a back to school party on Friday, it would be cool if the fresh meat showed. Here's my number, I'll text you the address." Holt reached into his pocket, and chucked a crumpled piece of paper at me, I snatched it. Did he just carry around pieces of paper with his number? I couldn't tell it this was egotistical or smart. 

"Uh- yeah sure." I hesitantly smiled up at him, as fist bumped Deuce. 

"See you later man." Deuce muttered, as Holt walked off. 

Over the days nearing the party, I came to learn that Frankie was one for the men. Meaning she had a trail of men following her wherever she went. Apparently, it started with Deuce, then some dude named Jackson, then Holt, then an Andy? Or was the boyfriend she actually made came next? Then there was that unicorn zombie kid- I was sure I was missing a few others, but it was hard to keep up. I liked Frankie, just- not the way she went about it with men. Clawdeen told me all about Draculaura, and how they were best friends. And how Draculaura was dating Clawdeens brother- Clawd. Wow- their parents were so inventive with their names. 

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