Chapter 3

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Cleo had gotten a limousine, we all filed in, as we all talked on the way there. The car drove deeper, and deeper into the woods. It was so dark around us now. But I knew we were at the right place, when I saw an array of tiki torches on the other size of the window. We all hauled out, this house, was surrounded by trees. It looked just as messed up as Clawdeens. But toilet paper laced trees and the house. There was a huge bonfire, along with soft music in the background. On the porch, I noticed a DJ deck. The limo drove off, as I just followed Clawd and Deuce into the growing crowd. 

We found our way to a table, as Clawd thrusted a drink into my hand. I sipped it. It burned. Alcohol. Sweet sweet alcohol. I took another sip, as Deuce and Clawd had already started teasing me to start talking to people that wasn't them. That I should put myself out there, so eventually, they pushed me into a random crowd, giving me a thumbs up. But I just flipped them off in return. 

Unsure of everything still, I pulled out my iCoffin, scrolling through fright tube and SnappedCats. I did that for awhile, until I felt a hand clasp my shoulder. I turned, Holt. 

"Hey hey! It's the fresh meat! What are you on your phone for?" Holt laughed, slapping my back, I gave a nervous smile. 

"I'm just new to all this." I explained, but Holt rolled his eyes, snatching my wrist, as he pulled me through the crowds. My phone and drink in the same hand now. "Where are you taking me?"

"Oh you'll see." Holt smirked. Low and behold. I was on the porch, the DJ deck was in front of me. Holt started flipping switches, as he pulled out some CDs and cassettes. He then grabbed a mic, plugging it in. The feedback screeched, I covered my ears. He screamed right into it. 

"Hellloooo Monster High!" Holt screamed, as a rather large crowd started forming in front of us. "I want to see those hands up tonight! Here we go-!" Holt screamed, as he chucked the mic to me, as I caught it with haste. He started mucking about with the deck, as a song came on. The crowd screamed. I could have sworn I knew what song this was. The music started blaring in a deep beat, as Holt had his headphones on. I nudged him, he looked up, taking them off. 

"What?!" He shouted over the music.

"What song is this!?"

"It's trending in the monster world right now- normies just came across it! It's called Hands up!"

Low and behold, the familiar lyrics started streaming through my ears. 

'Hey scene slut I'm still cutting tonight, that's why my wrists are so sore'

I tried not taking note of the lyrics, I just laughed, as Holt threw his arm around me, pulling me in close, I managed to slip my phone in my back pocket, as I started chugging my drink. In all my human years, I had never actually partied like this. 

"Come on Monster High get those hands up- yeah what are  you?" Holt screamed into the mic. 

"I'm a sexy bitch!" The crowd screamed back. Holt started laughing, as he started fucking about with the buttons and such again. He seemed in his element, I didn't want to be a downer. But that was when I became on how big Holts pupils were. Was he high? 

"Hey! Are you pinged right now?!" I shouted over the music, as Holt just gave an eager nod. 

"You bet your sweet ass I am!" Holt laughed, pulling his arm off of my shoulder. He put both of his hands on the deck now. He leaned right into my face now. "Why-?! Do you want some?!"

I gave a small laugh, shaking my head. "I'll just stick with the drink for now!"

I stood up there for I don't know how long, but Holt and I just bopped to the rhythm, as the people before us started going wild. Holt eventually called down the mic that there would be a ten minute break so he could- "Take a fat fucking piss!"

I laughed with him, he was teaming with sweat. "You were fucking amazing." He huffed in his erratic breaths. "Seriously, you're a fucking party animal."

I just shook my head, smiling. "No way man, you're the life of this thing." I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned, it was some guy in a hood. He had green skin by the looks of it. 

"Donnie!" Holt screamed, high fiving the stranger. "You made it man!"

"Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world." The stranger, who I now knew as Donnie, pulled down his hood. He had green skin, with spiked black hair, with white streaks. His eyes an unsettling shade of orange, his eyes settled upon mine. "Oh? Who's this Hyde?"

"That's (Y/N), he's new. Oh and here." Holt leaned forward, pushing something into Donnies hand. Donnie gave a small smile, as he slipped whatever was in his hand into his mouth. 

"Oh you are a star Hyde you know that right?" Donnie smirked. He ripped off his hoodie, as he stood in a t-shirt and jeans that were ripped to shreds. I slowly noticed, as Donnies pupils fluctuated, Holt obviously gave him something. 

"I'm going to go get a drink- nice meeting you Donnie." I gave a nervous smile. Donnie just smiled at me, with a glint in his blown out eyes. 

"Oh I'll be seeing you later." He teased, I raised a brow to that, as I slowly walked away. Heading out though the crowds, I got another drink. When I could smell something. My nose twitched, I followed it. I walked deeper into the trees. To see a small fire lit, as husky laughs echoed. I approached. It was Deuce, Clawd, and some other guys I didn't know. 

"Heyyyyyy! Loookie it's our buddy (Y/N)!" Deuce giggled, he was sitting on a tree log, with Clawd beside him. They were holding what looked like a cigarette, but by the smell, I doubted that it was.  

"Oh my god it's our fanged friend- guys- this is (Y/N) then we have Heath, Billy, and Andy." Clawd laughed, taking a drag from the funky cigarette. He coughed as he inhaled. "Saw you up there with Holt, getting uh- little friendly aren't we?" Clawd lifted a brow. Handing me the smoke, I took a drag, I felt it cutting the back of my throat. But I knew better than to choke on it. I took another drag before I answered. 

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on man, you know what he means." Deuce piped up. "Doesn't Holt give you a- well, a vibe?"

"Well if you mean totally pinged out of it then yeah." I shrugged, passing the joint to one of the other boys. But they all just laughed at my words. I cocked my head. "What?" But they all just shook their heads. 

"Oh no we can't tell you." A boy with purple skin spoke. "You'll have to find that one out for yourself."

I sat with them for awhile longer, drinking and smoking away with them. I ran my tongue along my fangs. My entire mouth felt like rubber. I chugged the last of my drink. The music sparked up again, as I told them I was heading off to get another drink and talk to Holt again. They just laughed at that. It had gotten darker now, the only light coming from anywhere was from the large bonfire that was at the centre of the party. I got another drink, scrolling through my phone as I made my way through the crowds. I leaned against a tree, so I could text the ghouls and see where abouts they were hanging at the party. I could feel someone looking at me, the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. I looked. 

Those pink eyes, were locked on me. 

He ran his fingers through his black and red hair, he was talking to a girl in front of him, but he wasn't even looking at her. He was looking right at me. But he was so far away I couldn't hear him. The music blasting throughout the place didn't help either. 

I wanted to know his name. 

I needed to know his name. 

Kieran Valentine X MALE Reader (TRANS FTM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora