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Bella hated it. She and Charlotte were sitting outside the principal's office after a major fight broke out between them.
It was all Charlotte's fault anyway, why does she hate her so much. Anyways Charlotte said something about Bella's dad and Bella punch her in the face...hard, and then tackled her to the ground. Which is why Charlotte had a bruise under her eye. Turns out, Charlotte's stronger then she looks and quickly reversed the roles getting on top of her and punching her, repeatedly. Which is why Bella had a bruise cheek, and why both we're covered in dirt and dust.

"You broke my nail" Charlotte said for no reason, "you insulted my dad! That's a new low Charlotte" Bella said and Charlotte looked ready to respond when. "Bella, Charlotte, I've called your parents to come pick you up. But I don't think that's enough" the principal said.

"Please sir, don't give me detention...Charlotte maybe" Bella said turning around pointing at a seemingly unfazed Charlotte.
"I'm not going to give either of you detention, but I've devised a plan that your parents have already agreed too" he said with a weird expression as if he was trying to find the right words to say it. "Ok....what is it?" She asked politely causing Charlotte to roll her eyes in disgust. "You two have to date"

Bella Dawson x Charlotte NewmanWhere stories live. Discover now