Chapter 10: The Secret

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"I-I-I'm... um uh... see the thing is that ... "Astrid stuttered.

"Astrid, is it true your hiding something ?"Hiccup said as he walked toward her.

" Um, well yeah but its nothing that important." she said looking into his eyes.

" Then why wont you tell me." Hiccup asked

"do you really want to know ,Hiccup? " " Well ya I really do want to know."

She took his hand, and took him in a corner and whispered it.

" WHAT !" Hiccup yelled . Everyone look at them . It became extremely quiet in the great hall. Snotlout and Finn Hofferson came up to them and said.

Finn Hofferson said," Astrid Fearless Hofferson what made Hiccup yell out so loud ."

Sorry I have to stop it here but one question should Astrid tell her uncle that shes pregnant so

peace on the streets saan


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