"I love you and would do anything for you. Your Nonna was important to you, and I would love to name our daughter after her. I know I didn't know her, but your love to carry on her legacy tells a lot."

"T-thank you, Uccellino." He finally spoke, kissing her arm with a sigh. "Daniella... Daniella Amara—"

"Then our daughter's name will be Daniella Amara Romano in memory of her great-grandmother. Cry if you want... I won't tell anyone." She laughed, making Giuseppe chuckle. "You act like you've never seen me emotional, but you won't see me cry today, Uccellino. I have a meeting to get to but Thank you... thank you, baby." He spoke, turning to Regenia to kiss her passionately before leaving to meet his father. He would have stayed with his wife, but Giovanni made the meeting sound important, and as always, he was early and sitting behind his desk.

"I said 2:00. It's 2:05."

"Yeah... my wife and I were having an important talk, Padre. What is all this about? I told you I had everything under control with Berardo. Pippa hasn't reached out, meaning he is with her. Maybe if you and Zio Davido had told me you knew where the woman was, I could stop this before it happened until I hear something. We have nothing." Giovanni let out a sigh that didn't sound right to Giuseppe, making him stand in front of his father, worried.

"That's not why you call to meet with me, is it?"

"No figlio... have a seat." He spoke as Giuseppe glared at his father, taking the seat directly before the man. Something was wrong, and he could sense it, and he didn't think he would like his father's response. To his knowledge, things were going well, and Gio seemed happy about his new granddaughter. Somehow this meeting felt like it wasn't going to be that joyful, making Giuseppe brace himself for the worse.

"I think it's time to tell you the story about Davido and why he was skipped over as Don."

"You could have told me this anytime, Padre—"

"He's not a Romano by blood!" He yelled, making Giuseppe look at his father like he had lost his mind, but he could see it in his eyes. It was the truth. "My Madre.... Your Nonna was married before your Nonno. Her husband before your Nonno wasn't the man everyone thought him to be. Before you start jumping to conclusions, he didn't beat her or anything like that... He needed a wife and an heir, so she agreed to marry."

"It was a business deal," Giuseppe said as his father nodded. "Si, however, she was having an affair with my Padre. Of course, they fell in love, and when she found out she was pregnant, she hoped it to be his. Even if Davido was, he wasn't born during their marriage, nor was he my Padre's blood. We all know the mafia code our child has to be blood, and their parents must be married before conception until it's your situation. I was their firstborn. Davido and his children only carry the Romano's last name. Berardo doesn't know this. It's part of the reason he is upset. I tried to make him understand a teen, but it was no breaking through to the damn bastard." Giovanni sighed, sitting back in his seat while Giuseppe thought about the news handed to him.

"Have you ever wondered why your maid has your aunt's name?"

"Things like that are irrelevant to me. There are millions that have the same name and last name but are not related. Take Father Costa and Tommaso, for example. They are both a Costa but not related. Why would I worry about one?" Again, Giovanni let out a deep breath shaking his head. It was more to the story behind Chiara, and whatever it was, Giuseppe didn't want to hear it.

"I don't want to hear it—"

"You need to. Chiara is Isabella's child. A child that she was ashamed of. A child that Mario brought to your mother and me to take her in once she was of age to work. Davido asked your cousin to name the girl after his dead wife...."

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