Chapter 27: The Good, The bad and the Badass

Start from the beginning

yells all of the students from the different dojo's making Daniel and Johnny smile while Kreese smirked

West valley high

The next day after training both YN and Emily were walking down the Halls when they both saw Sam and Miguel awkwardly talking to each other

The two friends looked at one another then back at the awkward exes

"Should we go over there and make it even more awkward"

"Well duh"

The two of them walked over to Sam and Miguel and Emily had a smirk on her face

"Hey love birds she says making both Sam and Miguel blush look away from each other"

"E-emily we aren't even together anymore r-right?" She said looking at Miguel who quickly nodded

"Yeah we-"

"Calm down you two we're just teasing" Y/N said as he and Emily laughed making the two blush in embarrassed

"You guys are the worst" Miguel says with a groan

As much fun I am having you guys laugh at us I should probably get to study hall" Sam says

"I'm actually headed that way too" Miguel tells her

"We'll walk with you guys too since our calls is on the way right em" he asked Emily who nodded

"Okay" said Miguel as the four friends walked through the halls together but Y/N and Emily walked behind them to let the two of them talk

"So, you think enough time has passed for us to be friends again?" Miguel asked

"start over? Hi I'm Sam Nice to meet you" Sam said playfully holding out her hand

"Miguel It's a pleasure"

Miguel said back and Y/N glaces over and his eyes widen at what he saw

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Miguel said back and Y/N glaces over and his eyes widen at what he saw

"Holy" Y/N started

"Shit" Emily finished they saw both Yasmine and Demetri making out

"Yasmine?" Sam questions making the two teens break up their make out session

"Hey Um We were just, uh"

"Hey Um We were just, uh"

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