chapter 2

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Tws: slight blood and cursing. If I missed any please tell me =]

After Wilbur got off of his shift at 2:00, he went to the hero tower. He had a job interview. 'Ok, I'm not throwing away my shot, I just need to do good at the interview and then blow them all away.' 

After he walked through the glass sliding doors, he was met with a girl with horns and spit hair, one side rainbow and the other side brown.

He walked over to the counter "h-hello, I'm here for the i-interveiw.." he says softly. "Ahh, yes. Name and age please" "William gold, 19" after a few minutes of typing. "Elevators that way and floor 7" "thanks you ma'am" I say as I start to walk towards the elevator.

I walked in the elevator and pushed the button that said seven. After a few minutes of annoying elevator music I finally reached floor seven. I walked into the only room on that floor, there was only 6 or 8 other people there -which was a surprise- I walked over and stood in the far back corner away from everyone.

After a few not people arrived a girl in a light blue crop top and ripped blue jeans walked out, she had long black hair that was tied up in a messy bun. "Hello everyone I'm Pippa, but you also may know me as the hero Indigo. I'll be helping with the interviews, I'll be calling your names one by one and you will follow me into the room I just came out of." The women, also known as Pippa looked down at the clipbored she was holding then looked back up "Harry Greene" (don't ask ;))

A male with blonde short hair and pale skin followed her though the door. "Damn, he looks like a dick" I mumble, i hear someone snicker at the remark I made, I quickly turn to my left to see a man with dirty blonde hair and is taller than most people. I slightly smile not really knowing what to say.

"Well anyways, I'm Jonothan Groff, but you can just call my Groff" the blonde haired male said "I-i.. I'm William gold, but you can just call me Wilbur" I said avoiding eye contact.

"Ok, Wilby" he said he said with a smirk but held his hand out for me to shake, I grumble under my breath trying to hide a smile before shaking his hand. Me and Groff continue to talk for a while before he was called. I gave I'm a reassuring smile as he started to walk away.

              ---Groff P.O.V.---

Me and wilbur continued to talk for a while until I heard my friend Pippa call my name. I walk up to her and follow her into the room, there I saw Dream, 404, and flame.

Me and 404 stared eachother dead in the eyes for a total of 3 minutes before dying laughing.
Now, you may be a little confused on how things are playing out.

I've worked in the hero tower for a while, I pretend to be here for interviews and other public things. I'm a 'civilian' to other people.

So you could say I'm an undercover spy, but hero shut isn't really for me, but I need the money so I stick with this job. I've made some friends like Pippa, Reneè, Daveed, and Oak. There also Leslie, but he doesn't like me, it's like he knows something. But that's besides the point.

We sit in the room for a while before I make my way out and walk back over to Wilbur. "How'd it go?" He asked with a kind smile. "I think I did really well, bu-" I was cut off by Pippa yelling Wilbur's name. As Wilbur made her way towards her, I couldn't help but notice he was slightly shaking. Nerves, I thought to myself.

I stand in my spot and closely watch other people, Me and this male with long slicked back hair made eye contact. He quickly looked away, his eyes were whiskey colored eyes held the look of admiration but also guilt.

My gaze snapped towards the door as Wilbur walked out. He spotted me and smiled, me being me smiled back and did a dramatic hair-flip, causing him to giggle slightly. I smile brightly as he walks up to me "how'd it go?" I ask. His smile brightens basicly giving me his answer. "It went Amazing" he beamed like a 4 year old who just got $5 for the first time.

We continued to talk, until we were allowed to leave. Wilbur and I walked side by side until we got outside of the building.

               ---Wilbur P.O.V.---

Groff and I parted away saying goodbye to eachother, I started off in the opposite direction from Groff. Once o got home I actually went through the front door like a normal person -that and I wasn't on petrol, yet-. Once I walked in, I went through the mini hallway and into my bedroom
grabbing my vigilante clothes and changing into them. It was a dark brown jumper with a shortsleeved back hoodie over it, back ripped jeans and a maroon beenie. I also had some black fingerless gloves and a black mask covering most of my face.

After changing I put in a little ear peice my friend Apollo gave me, "ahh, I see you've finally decided to use the ear peice I gave you" Apollo said scaring the shit out of me. "Jesus man, don't do that to me, but yes I have.. anyways, wanna petrol together?" I ask "sure meet me at 'Pub 69'"  "alright see you there" I say before jumping out my window.

As I make my way from roof to roof I see the pub within a few more buildings, as I jump on the roof of the pub I see Apollo standing there, he had his long black hair in a ponytail, a white mask, he also had a simple black jumper and simple blue jeans.

"Hey man" he says as I walk up to him "hey" I respond with simply "let's go" I say before I start to run a gain jumping from roof to roof. Me and Apollo separate ways as we continue to petrol. I stop at the edge of a roof as I see someone walking in an ally.

My eyebrows furrowed as I continued to watch. "Shit" I mumbled under my breath as I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turn around to see the villain Icarus, my hand reaches to the side of my belt where my handblades were. Icarus held up his hands in defence "I'm not here to fight" he says oddly calming. "Then what do you want with me" I respond with hatred laceing my voice "wanted to see if you wanted McDonalds?" "And why the fuck would I go with you to get McDonalds" "I'm bored, and think of it, a Hero, Villain, and vigilante all get McDonalds together, the news would go wild" I pause for a moment "the fuck you mean Hero!?" "Oh yea, Indigo. I already talked her into this, so you up for it?" "Yea sure, whatever" I say as we start to walk to McDonalds, on the way we met up with Indigo.

I looked over at Indigo and noticed her sleeve was torn and blood was seaping out of the wound. "Are you ok, indigo?" I ask slightly concerned "hmm? Ohh, yea I'm fine just a small cut from Malagent" i nod and hand her a few bandages. She grabs them from my hand and quickly wraps her arm and tries to hand me the extra. "No, keep it.. in case something like that happens again" I say, she smiled back bit you couldn't tell from her dark blue mask "Thanks, Siren" she said and I nodded in response. After a bit more walking we finally made it to McDonalds.

1336 words total, told you this one would be longer :).

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