The World Was Waiting Just For You

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You stretch, your joints cavitating in a series of satisfying pops and crackles as you reach to greet the day. The remains of your sleep are shrugged off, heavy and drape-like, like a lover's embrace. Morning spills through the window in saffron sheafs, watery and pale. Light, like your soul feels.

Was that all a dream?

Flashes of the night before flit behind your eyelids. The muddled dialogue from the TV melting into gibberish soup as you straddled the bounds of the waking world. A pair of arms easily spiriting you away, tucked against a solid chest. Gentle hands pulling blankets to just under your chin, gentle lips lingering against your brow. It makes you feel bubbly inside that your body got the sleep it desperately craved, finally able to feel safe with him there to guard your rest.

You need not go far to find a clue to his intentions, a neon pink Post-it is stuck to your phone screen where it lays charging on the bedside table, which is not where you'd left it last night. You remind yourself to thank him for that later, except later is now because the note he left reads:

"Good morning!

I hope you rested well. Shoot me a message when you wake up :)"

His cell number is scrawled at the bottom, in the same loopy script you remember from his previous note. You deftly add it as a new contact, and shoot off your first message, giddiness increasing because Spider-Man passed you his number.

You: Hi! It's (You). Thanks for plugging my phone in last night by the way.

Clearly, he's been waiting for your message, because the typing indicator appears on screen immediately.

Pavitr: Good morning, sweet girl :) You are so welcome, I'm glad to hear from you. Did you sleep well?

You just about died right then, because Pavitr is not fucking around with his intentions. You emit a squeal into the confines of your pillow before replying.

You: Best sleep I've had in a while! No bad dreams to be had. Sorry for falling asleep on you last night, you didn't have to haul me all the way to bed, although my back certainly appreciates you for doing that ^_^

Pavitr: You seem to forget that I'm pretty strong ;) It's no trouble at all, after the last few nights you've had, I didn't feel right leaving you there when you'd be so much more comfortable in your own bed. You deserve better than that.

Pavitr: Did you know that you sleep with your mouth open? It's super cute!

Your face flares hot, feeling scandalized.

You: We have been talking for literally 2 minutes and I'm already deceased.

Pavitr: Oh no, now I'm sad. Look at my sad face --> :(

Pavitr: I sincerely apologize for making you deceased on our first text. May I make up for it by inviting you out with me today?

Pavitr: No worries if you can't or don't feel ready for that yet. All at your pace, sweet girl.

You're not sure whether to feel nervous or giddy. The side of you that's been burned before is digging her 3-inch heels into the carpet. The side of you that yanked Pavitr's mask down to kiss him in the first place can't say yesyesyes! fast enough. After a few minutes of stomach-churning deliberation, you tap out your reply.

You: I'd be happy to! Can I ask what it is I'm being invited to?

The typing indicator oscillates on the screen for a few moments, starts, stops, and starts again.

Pavitr: Classified ;) What I can tell you though is I want to give you some happier memories. The way we met was...not ideal. So I figured we should do something fun, without all the bullshit between us. I promise you'll like what I have in mind. Is 3pm ok? Meet at mine?

You: 3 sounds great!

Pavitr: !!! It's a date then. See you real soon, sweet girl :)

This isn't happening. This can't be real. You are about to go on a date with Spider-Man. Your life feels unreal, like someone's fanfiction from that site the local extremists tried to shut down. You rush to the bathroom mirror to stare at your reflection, chanting holy shit holy shit holy everloving shit to cope with what your life has become. The you of 2 weeks ago would have died of an aneurysm laughing if she'd heard this.

Since you'd slept in pretty hard this morning, you snarf down a quick brunch composed of whatever past you had remembered to stock up on before...all of this shit happened. It's off to the shower after that, followed by a stop at the bathroom sink to fix your hair and makeup. After spending an inordinate amount of time agonizing between two different outfit options, you settle on a a smart-looking sundress, not too heavy for the summer sun outside. Before you can blink, it's three in the afternoon, and you're tapping on the front door of apartment 406.

You hear the clatter of a chain before the door swings open, revealing a rather...drippy Pavitr, clad head to toe in very expensive street-wear. You count a Supreme headband, a tight-fitting Pelota top, Stussy jeans and the latest Jordans, topped off with a pair of blue Wayfarers perched atop his head. The getup is hugging him in all the right places, and he knows it. Most of all, you notice the genuine smile plastered on his face, just as radiant as you imagined it would be when you met him with the mask still on.

"Darling! Hi!" Pavitr exclaims. You don't have time to react before he's brushed a kiss against your lips, short and sweet. It leaves you stunned, frozen and burning at the same time, leaving Pavitr to giggle as one hand holds your chin.

"Aww, you're so shy. That's adorable," he coos. His thumb traces along your jawline to gently pinch your cheek.

"M'not shy!" you squawk. "Just...surprised, that's all,"

"Your mouth says you're not, but the eyes popping out of your head right now determined that was a lie," he jokes, locking the apartment door behind him.

"Come with me?" he offers, extending his hand to you. His eyes glimmer on a soft face as he waits for you to respond. After a few moments, your hand finds his, and you know that if he had a tail, he'd be wagging it.

Pavitr leads you into the elevator, all the way to the garage floor. Once there, he fishes a key ring out of one of his many pockets, presses a button that unlocks a nearby white car with a clunk and a chirp. You lay your own eyes on the car, and just about die right there, because it's a-

"You drive a Porsche?" you exclaim, shocked that someone your age is able to afford a car that's solidly a year's salary for you, if not two. Pavitr gives a low chuckle.

"A Porsche Taycan, to be specific," he explains, coming around to open the passenger door for you. "It's all-electric too. Check it out."

You ease yourself into the seat, immediately noticing the red all-leather interior.

"I have to admit, the red-on-black is pretty on-brand," you remark. The inside of the car is spotless, the leather well-maintained and the electronics keep a well-polished sheen.

"Definitely got a funny look at the dealer when I went for this package without blinking," Pavitr says, starting the car up. The engine hums low as the car whirs to life. The dashboard comes alight in hundreds of intricate LEDs and neons, and you realize just how over the top this car is. Pavitr wheels the car out of the parking spot, every move guided by indicators and sonar because he's loaded and surely he could have whoever he-

"Oh dear, you're shaking," he observes. You look down and notice your fingers are tremoring, clammy and cold in your lap. He takes one in his own, holds it atop the center console. The weight is steady and grounding.

"You're okay, you don't have anything to be nervous about, it's just me," Pavitr soothes. It would have been more helpful if he wasn't literally Spider-Man.

"S-sorry. I was just thinking," you apologize. Pavitr looks unimpressed, arches an eyebrow at you as he waits for the light to change.

"This is all new to you, isn't it, sweet girl?" he contemplates. Your breath catches in your throat, because how did he know?

"Yeah, I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed right now," you admit. The leather starts to feel tacky against your skin. Pavitr's expression softens, and he gives the back of your hand a reassuring rub.

"Sorry for being an idiot. I should have known that someone who hasn't been in a relationship before might not appreciate coming on that strong."

"But I have been in a relationship before. I've been in three," you clarify. You sense Pavitr stiffening in his seat as he completes a turn.

"I just assumed- you seem so surprised that I'm showing you affection," he explains. "You react to it're kidding," he makes wide-eyed eye contact through the rear view mirror.

Nothing's Gonna Change My World (Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon