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Kate snatched her arm from Beth's grip after Ryan walked off. "What is wrong with her?" She asked. "Somebody has to go after her." Beth said. "I'll go." Maggie said. "No. What?"

"I just want to talk to her." Maggie said. "And you need to apologize to Sophie." Maggie added before walking away. Kate looked at Sophie, then awkwardly looked away.

Maggie caught up to Ryan in the bar. "Hey." She said. "If she doesn't respect you, she doesn't love you, and you need to leave." Ryan said. "Kate loves me, and I love her." Maggie said. "Then you don't respect yourself."

"Because she made a few comments?" Maggie asked. "The stripper in the bus didn't bother you?" Ryan asked. "She was high." Maggie said after a pause. "Calling her ex fat?"

"She was making a short joke." Maggie said. "Over performing and exaggerating intimate physical activities for the purpose providing proof that said activities were happening. What's your excuse for that?"

"I'm not making excuses." Maggie said. "You're not making sense either. How about instead of talking to me, you figure your shit out with Kate before having to get lawyers involved in 2 years."

"Maggie." Kate called her over. The others had finally made it into the bar. "You can do better." Ryan said. "You've never been in love before." Maggie said. "I'm like this because I have been." Ryan said.

Maggie looked at Ryan like she was a cautionary tale. She gently placed a hand on Ryan's shoulder before walking over to the others.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked Ryan as she took a seat next to her. "Did she apologize?" Ryan asked. "It's Kate, so." Sophie answered. "Thank you for defending me, my little knight." Ryan rolled her eyes. "I'm funny. Fuck you." Sophie said. Ryan laughed.

"That is my second favorite sound that comes out of your mouth." Sophie said. "What's the first?" Ryan asked. "You'll find out later." Sophie said. "Don't do that." Ryan smiled and moistened her lips. "How much have you had to drink?" Ryan asked. "This makes 5." Sophie answered. Ryan took a sip of Sophie's drink. "Mm. That's dangerous."

"It doesn't even taste like it has alcohol in it." Sophie said. "Be careful with that." Ryan said.

At the last bar of the night, Maggie took Kate outside after she was dancing with a stranger. Everyone was dancing inside the bar. Kate walked back into the bar and whispered to Beth, who whispered to Mary, who whispered to Sophie, who whispered to Ryan, that they had to go.

They all got on to the bus. "Next stop. The mansion, so Mary can get married today."

"It's after midnight?" Mary asked. "You get married in less than 12 hours." Beth cheered into the mic. Kate took the mic and handed it to the bus driver before returning to her seat. "That was mean." Ryan said. "No, what's mean is you trying to ruin my relationship."

"What?" Ryan asked. "Getting it into Maggie's head that I don't love her because of a fucking joke I told." Kate said. "If Maggie thinks that you don't love her, that's between you and Maggie." Ryan said. "You don't even care about your relationship. Why do you think I would?"

"I care about Maggie. Why else would I be marrying her?" Kate stood up. "I don't know, but you need to sit down before you hurt yourself." Ryan warned. "Was that a threat?"

"I'm confused about how my words are in any way threatening to you." Ryan said. "Get up." Kate said. "Why?" Ryan asked. "I said get up." Kate demanded. "Is she for real?" Ryan asked everyone else on the bus. "Kate, you need to sit down." Maggie said. "Are you protecting her now?"

"Kate, you're drunk." Sophie said. "You're not fighting on a party bus." Mary said. "We're not fighting at all." Ryan said. "She doesn't want to fight. Go sit down."

"She doesn't want to fight me because she's scared." Kate said as she stumbled to her seat. "Yeah, I'm terrified." Ryan sarcastically replied.

The group was dropped off at the mansion and went their separate ways. Kate and Maggie argued until 4 in the morning. Keeping Mary up.

"That was such a long day." Sophie said as she walked into her room. "At least no one went to the hospital." Ryan said. "Lucky for us." Sophie took off her watch and placed in on the charger. She put her phone on the charger.

Ryan handed her phone to Sophie, and she put it on Ryan's charger. "My feet are killing me." Ryan sat on the bed and took off her shoes. "We walked so much." Sophie complained as she took off her shoes.

They got ready for bed and got under the covers. Sophie was a big spoon. Her hand roamed Ryan's body. Her fingers charted over the terrain as if to make a map. She tried to remember the feel of each and every part of Ryan's body.

Ryan turned to face Sophie. Sophie locked their lips in a kiss. Sophie's hand traced down Ryan's leg, bending it at the knee and resting it on Sophie's waist. Her finger danced up Ryan's inner thigh.

Ryan let out a light moan at Sophie's teasing touch between her legs. Sophie brought her middle and ring fingers to her lips and sucked on them before putting them inside of Ryan's panties.

Continuing to kiss Sophie became a difficult task for Ryan. "Sophie." Ryan moaned. There it was. Music to Sophie's ears. "What's my name?" Sophie whispered. "Sophie." Ryan moaned.

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