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Ryan was out at a gay bar having drinks. She was talking to a woman there, passing the time with meaningless conversation. The bar was particularly crowded even for it being a Friday night. Ryan looked around to see what was going on.

"I think someone is having a bachelorette party." She said. "What is it about straight women and gay bars?" The woman asked. "I don't know." Ryan answered. She saw a familiar face at the bar. "I'm going to get another drink." Ryan excused herself from the table.

"Mary?" Ryan said. "Ryan? Hi. How have you been?" Mary said. "I'm doing well. Congratulations." Ryan said. "Thank you. We hope to see you at the wedding."

"I don't think I'll be able to make it." Ryan said. "Really? That's unfortunate."

"You won't miss me. You'll be enjoying the happiest day of your life." Ryan said. "Trust me, your presence will be missed. Do you want to join the party?"

"I shouldn't." Ryan said. "What are you doing tomorrow besides sleeping off your hangover?" Mary asked. "Bold of you to assume that I won't be busy tomorrow." Ryan replied. "You can't spare 30 minutes?"

"I guess." Ryan agreed. "Great, because there is someone I want you to meet." Mary said. "Oh no. No, no, no."

"Hey, guys. This is Ryan."

Sophie needed a break from Kate and Maggie. She had expected to see them, but they seemed to have exaggerated their affection for the evening. The drinking didn't help. She had three minutes to herself before someone was being slammed up against the bathroom wall.

Sophie walked out of the bathroom and got a drink from the bar before returning to the bachelorette party. "There you are. Remember that woman I was telling you about?" Mary said.

"Hi, Ryan." Sophie said. "Hi, Sophie." Ryan replied. "You two already know each other?" Mary asked. "Are you stalking me?" Sophie asked. "I had no idea you would be here. I was on the way home when I bumped into Mary."

"Isn't that a coincidence?" Sophie said as she glared at Mary. "Oh, look. There's nowhere for you to sit." Mary said. "I can go." Ryan stood up. "Let me buy you a drink first." Sophie insisted. "Um." Ryan looked at Mary, who was urging her with her eyes. "Sure."

Ryan and Sophie stood at the bar waiting for their drinks. "I'm sorry about Mary." Sophie apologized. "Don't worry about it. This actually made my week." Ryan said. "I am offended." Sophie replied. "Why? Was there something that happened this week that should've topped this?"

"I am going to have to do better." Sophie said. "I am looking forward to it." Ryan said. "You should stay with us tonight. It'll be fun." Sophie said. "I don't know."

"We both know Mary is not going to let you leave." Sophie said. "Yeah." Ryan sighed. "So stay, and I'll make sure she regrets it."

"Okay." Ryan smiled. They got their drinks and returned to the table. Sophie sat down, and Ryan sat in her lap. Sophie put her arm around Ryan waist.

Mary took the girls to a dance club. She tried her best to keep up with her friends. Sophie and Ryan were dancing close on the dance floor.

"Mary is overwhelmed." Sophie leaned toward Ryan's ear. "Perfect. Let's go." Ryan led Sophie outside. "Do you want a ride home?" Ryan asked Sophie. "No. Thanks."

"Be safe." Ryan got into her ride. "I'll see you around." Sophie smiled. Ryan closed the door and was driven away.


Luke and Mary rented out a beautiful mansion venue for their wedding. There was a manicured yard with a wood patio that led to a concrete path to an altar. The house was decently sized and cleaned. It was well equipped and up to date.

Luke and Mary welcome their friends and family inside, giving them room arrangements as they gave the tour.

Sophie walked into her room. On the bed was the itinerary for the week leading up to the wedding on Saturday.

Mary and Luke were unpacking in their room. "She's not coming." Mary said. "She RSVP'd yes, vegan." Luke said. "This isn't something she'd step out of her comfort zone for. Love and commitment don't exactly scream, "Ryan!", you know?"

"She said she would be here. She's just going to be late. She's working." Luke said. "Okay. I just don't want you to get your hopes up." Luke said. "She'll be here."

Ryan sat at a cafe across the table from Jada. Her phone rang on the table, and she silenced it before flipping it over. "Do you have to leave? I understand. Work never stops."

"No. It's just Mary." Ryan said. "How is she doing?" Jada asked. "She's doing well." Ryan sipped her coffee. "She recently tried to set me up with one of her friends."

"Was she cute?" Jada asked. "She's stunning." Ryan said. "What was wrong with her?"

"Nothing. I'm not looking to get close to another person." Ryan answered. "You deserve the world, Ryan, but you're not going to get it if you don't open yourself up to receive it."

"I'll keep that in mind." Ryan said. Her phone rang again. This time, it was her driver telling her that they were outside. "Thank you for the breakfast." Ryan got up and left.

Ryan called her assistant. "Ms. Wilder, how are the wedding festivities?" She asked. "Wedding festivities?" Ryan asked. "Are you not at Luke's wedding?"


"Your week is cleared. Luke front loaded your week last week so that this week was clear for you."

"He did what?" Ryan replied. "If you leave now, you'll make it before you miss too much of the day's events."

"Thank you." Ryan said before hanging up. "We're not going to Wayne. Take me home, please." Ryan told her driver. "Yes, Ms. Wilder."

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