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Mary made everyone a special cocktail. They all sat in the living room, and Mary put a game on the table. She had a fishbowl with rolled up pieces of paper inside of it. "We're playing charades?" Maggie guessed. "No. One of the older women that I work with gave me this game. We're all going to pull a question from this bowl, and everyone is going to answer."

Everyone shared skeptical glances around the room. "I'll bite." Luke pulled a roll of paper from the bowl. "What is a turn-off for you?" Luke read. He thought about his answer carefully. "Immaturity."

"Dishonesty." Ryan answered. "Poor communication." Sophie answered. Everyone answered. Duke picked up the next roll. "Pancakes or waffles?"

"Pancakes." Ryan answered. "Waffles." Sophie answered. Next, Mary picked a roll. "After a fight, do you apologize, or do you wait for the situation to fix itself?"

"I accept the apology." Mary joked. "I guess I apologize." Sophie said. "I apologize." Ryan answered.

They went around and around answering questions. At the end of the game, Mary told the group to pick a partner and hug them for 2 minutes in silence.

"I love her." Ryan and Sophie thought to themselves. "What am I going to do?" They asked themselves.

Both knew that the other didn't want anything serious. Between never truly having time for each other and having to deal with each other's baggage, it was best they stayed acquainted with each other sexually but nothing more.

"What's the harm in telling her? At least she'll know." Sophie thought. "She'll break my heart like everyone else. I never learn. If I never say anything, then at least she'll never know." Ryan thought.

"Time." Mary said. "How does everyone feel?" She asked. "Exhausted." They dispersed to their bedrooms.

Sophie and Ryan were in Ryan's bedroom, laying in her bed, kissing. Ryan was distracted by her own feelings and just going through the motions, half-heartedly giving Sophie a joyless make-out session.

The last time she felt like this about someone, she was abandoned. Everyone she loved at one point in her life just left. She started to blame herself. Expected it. She eventually just stopped putting in the effort.

Sophie was supposed to be a fun night. A memory of the past. Something to get Ryan through the week. How did she allow herself to fall in love with this woman?

"Can we stop?" Ryan asked Sophie. "Sure." Sophie answered. Ryan studied Sophie face. Committing every feature to memory. "What?" Sophie asked. "Just admiring God's finest work."

Ryan and Sophie's moment was interrupted by Kate and Maggie loudly performing through the walls. "Not again." Ryan said. "Wow, they are really going at it." Sophie said. "Good for them." Ryan rolled out of bed and went to put her shoes and jacket on. Ryan walked out of the room.

She walked around outside, careful to stay out of the way of the wedding planners. "I'm not asking her to leave. You have no idea what I risked to have her here." Ryan heard Luke. She hid behind a wall to listen to the conversation.

"She's turned our wedding into a vacation. She's publicly embarrassed our guests. She almost started a fight at the winery." Mary listed. "Kate almost started that fight." Luke defended Ryan. "Luke, you need to talk to her."

"You're the one who has a problem with her." Luke replied. "You're the one who wanted her here so badly. I didn't even want to invite her, but you insisted. I didn't even expect her to show up."

"She wasn't going to." Luke said. "I moved her schedule to last week and cleared her week so that she could make it. I did that because she is my friend."

"For the past 7 months, she hasn't been much of a friend to you." Mary stormed off right past Ryan without noticing that she was there.

"You know that was stupid, right?" Luke jumped at the sound of Ryan's voice. "You're always supposed to side with your wife." She joked. "Especially when she's right."

"I shouldn't have forced you to come." Luke said. "I'm glad you did. Messing with Kate is fun." Ryan said. "Thank you for stopping all of that, by the way." Luke said. "You know how I feel about public affection."

"So, I really messed things up with Mary, huh?" Ryan said. "That's just wedding nerves. You know she loves you." Luke said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. I've been wanting to marry Mary for a long time. It feels overdue." Luke said. "I'm happy for you." Ryan said. "Thanks." Luke replied. "I'm sorry, I'm ruining your experience."

"I'll get you back at your wedding." Luke joked. "Who said I was getting married?" Ryan laughed. "Oh, come on, Ryan." Luke gave Ryan a knowing look. "It's not that serious." Ryan said. "Be real." Luke said. "How obvious is it?"

"I clocked it." Luke answered. "Oh no." Ryan sighed. "Sophie's great. I approve." Luke said. "Sophie is the most amazing woman I have ever met in my entire life. It's only been a few days, and I can't stop thinking about her. I want her in my life."

"But?" Luke asked. "She doesn't have time for a relationship. She's not looking for anything serious. She's not over her ex." Ryan listed. "You're making excuses." Luke replied. "Because I know that the moment I feel safe with Sophie, she is going to leave me. Everyone leaves me."

"I'm here." Luke said. "I'm getting married the day after tomorrow, and my wife to be is spiraling because I invited my friend who looks at love like an obstacle. I'm here."

Ryan hugged Luke. "I love you, Ryan." Luke said. "I love you, Luke."

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