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(Request made by LillySmith823 thanks so much for the idea! A/n: Cell phones will be used only in this chapter.)
It has been a couple weeks since me and wally got married. I decided to spend the day with Eddie and Frank. When I left, Wally was still asleep so I thought he would be okay with it. We were going out to the butterfly field so I left my phone down on a bench while we all went to go catch butterflies. When I looked back at my phone after at least 6 hours, there were almost 40 missed calls from wally. I got worried and I said goodbye to Eddie and frank and rushed home.
Y/n: Home is there something wrong!?
Home creaks saying "Get inside now! Wally needs you!" The door opens and I quickly run inside.
Y/n: Wally...?
I hear soft crying coming from the bedroom.
I open the door look around and I see Wally curled under the covers, softly crying.
Y/n: Wally?
Wally got up and practically teleported over to me.
W: Where were you?!
Y/n: I-I was just with Eddie and Frank-
W: For 6 hours!?
Y/n: I'm sorry I just lost track of time I didn't mean to make you worry...
W: I called you so many times! Why didn't you answer!?
Y/n: I-i didn't have my phone on me at the time...
My voice became shaky from wally's sudden yelling. He seemed to notice and he realized he was yelling. He then hugs me and starts to cry again.
W: I'm so sorry Y/n! I didn't mean to scare you!
I remembered Wally has separation anxiety. We haven't really been apart so I honestly forgot he had it. I felt really bad for just forgetting. I hug him back and apologize.
Y/n: no you shouldn't apologize. It's my fault. I'm the one who forgot about your separation anxiety.
He stood there crying for a few minutes while I was standing there hugging him (I know he goes limp when he gets hugged but I love wally hugs).
Y/n: Hey why don't we sit down?
W: okay...
Me and wally sit down on the bed and I cover us with the blanket. All that crying must've exhausted him because he instantly passed out and his head fell into my lap. I smile and I gently pick him up and lay him down on his side of the bed. I lay on my side and cuddle up closer to him, falling asleep. Today was strange, but it ended with cuddling so I didn't really care.

The apple of my eye (Wally x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ