Bad Memories Brought Back

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(TW: !mentions of abuse, a blade, mention of self harm, blood, and possibly a panic attack!)
It has been over a month since me and wally started dating. Wally gets separation anxiety so we decided to move in together leaving my house empty. There were rumors that a new neighbour was coming in to town. I thought the new neighbour would me nice, but boy was I wrong. I was sitting in the butterfly field with Eddie and  Wally while Frank caught butterflies. I suddenly heard Wally say,
W: Look! That must be the new neighbour!
I look over and see my sister, Elizabeth. My heart dropped and I needed to leave.
Y/n: I-I need to I stand and try to get away until I hear her annoying voice.
Elizabeth: Well, well, well, look who it is Lunatic Y/n
E: that's not something you shouldn't say to my friend!
Elizabeth: I'll say whatever I want to my sibling!
E&W: Sibling!?
Frank comes over hearing the commotion
F: What's going on over here?
E: the new neighbor.
W: more like the new hypocrite.
Elizabeth: can it blueberry man!
All three of them were about to say something when they heard those words but they all stopped as soon as they saw my expression. I walked over to Elizabeth and held her collar pulling her twoards me catching her off gaurd. I also had an intimateding tone which made her somewhat scared.
Y/n: you do not...insult my friends and partner.
She bursts out laughing.
Elizabeth: One of these lovers are your partner?! Which one? The metal pipe, the fatty, or the blueberry man?
What caught everyone off gaurd, was when I grabbed her and punched her. Knocking her over and making her nose bleed. I just walk back to home staying silent.
Y/n: Home...can I come inside...?
Once he let me in I went to the bedroom, brought my knees to my chest, put my head down, and I began to cry, which soon spiraled into a panic attack.
Elizabeth starts to hit me because I accidentally knocked over a cup of water. She cut me with a knife several times just because of my mistake. I cried begging her to stop. She just left me there to bleed out. Good thing someone called the police. Elizabeth was never arrested though. They thought The injuries were caused by self harm because Elizabeth had to play the victim. She said she had found me on the ground, bleeding. And I was locked away for months in a psychward because of her.
*End of Flashback*
Wally comes in the room and hugs me trying to be comforting.
W: You'll be okay. Eddie and Frank are dealing with that girl. She'll be out of here immediately.
I don't say anything, I just hug him back, trying to slow my breathing down.
Y/n: wally...are you disappointed in me...?
W: what? No, nobody is Y/'re not the villain here. You are perfect.
Wally's words made me feel a little better. I smile a little and hug him tighter.
W: do you need to be alone for a bit...?
Y/n: No, I'd rather be around you, and Frank and Eddie.
W: okay we can have a sleepover at they're house if that's what you want.
Y/n: Yeah, I'd like that.

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