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When I was turned into a vampire, I was 18. I was forcibly turned by a vampire I didn't even know. Sure, I knew monsters existed- who didn't? I am- well- I was. A human. When you're younger, you're always told stories of the boogeyman, or even the creatures foretold around the campfire. When I became a vampire, I found that each and every one of those stories were true. 

Even though I was technically dead, it did bother me, being immortal I mean. Living forever? Having to leave all my mortal human friends behind to protect them? That broke what remained of my human heart. 

I was running the streets for a year before the coven found me, and when they did, they dragged me to the vampire council. Apparently, I was an unregistered vampire, and therefore an illegal immigrant of sorts. Apparently, since I was unregistered, I was illegally hunting on this covens land. I explained what happened to me, and how I didn't even know that there was a coven even near me. The council ruled that I was innocent, and was one of the uncommon cases of a 'Outsiders Turn'. An outsiders turn is when a random human is turned into a vampire. Apparently, vampires commonly turn members of their family. However, on the rare occasion, someone may be turned at random, and that in itself, is a very large crime. 

It had been explained to me that the species of vampires were the most hunted by humans- or now what I've come to call 'Normies'. Us vampires were hunted the most, because of our famous stories, and threats of death we had on the normies. But we needed their blood to live- we never drained the humans, that was a crime too. Yet who wants to feel the pain of being bitten? I myself knew it hurt. 

Since I had been ruled as an 'Outsiders Turn' by the council, I was forced to comply in joining the Coven of Vampire prep. It was to my disbelief that these monsters had schools. I also came to learn that every single one of the vampires at Vampire prep had been all attending for over a hundred years. Most of them were thousands of years old. In years I was 19, but the only one closest to my age, was a girl whom was turned at 14. Who is now 136. So that left a rather large gap in my social circle. 

Many of them spoke of Shakespeare, and classical music. Whilst I only knew songs that had come out in the last 30 or so years. Which made them all laugh and turn a blind eye to me. 

My second year as a vampire, I watched as the sun set on my 20th human year. I swilled a wine glass of blood in my hand. I had grown accustomed to the habits of the elder vampires. When I was just starting out as a young monster, I simply found a dark dumpster, and slept in it as I pleased. But the comfort of the coffin grew on me, and drinking blood from the bags they came in was annoying. The plastic would get caught on my teeth and fangs. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. I had taken to wearing suits around my coven, and kept myself to a high standard of cleanliness. My peers soon grew pleased with me, as they had now decided I was ready to go to Transylvania for three years. 

I agreed to go, for I had no where else. I was sent to learn their ways of life. The ways of the immortal life. I learned about the vampire court, studying the vampires heart, along with the queen. I learned about the vampire line, and where I stood in it all. Since I had no family that were vampires, or anything like that. I was lowest of the low in the rankings. I also learned that a very small amount of vampires are gifted with powers from their turnings. However this only occurred in family turnings. Not an 'Outsiders Turn'. 

Some vampires could change the weather, some could change their appearances, some could run fast, some could conjure a mist, and some could even alter and toy with your emotions, which was all strange. 

I possessed none of these abilities, which was somewhat to my dismay. Because if I was going to crave blood and avoid the sun- shouldn't I get something back? 

After those three years in Transylvania, I made my way back to Vampire Prep. Only to find that we were added to a 'Mixing Monsters' Campaign. Which I found strange. Our enemy's- the werewolves of Crescent Moon High- were also transferred. To some school called Monster High- how original. 

I still had no friends, I was a loner, because I was so young. I was like a babe to the other vampires. But I heard this school welcomed monster teens of all ages. In human years, I was 23, but that still couldn't phase the fact that I was still 18. I was sitting back in the car. It was one of the schools cars of vampire prep. The interior was black, the seats leather. I scratched my fingernails across the lining. Gazing out the window. It was still bright outside. I squinted to look out across the grounds. I spotted a castle in the distance. I was still wearing my uniform from Vampire Prep. I was told I could wear my own clothes if I wished. But I was far too nervous. I kept with my formal attire. 

I pulled at my shirts cuff, inspecting my hands. I hoped I looked okay. I ran my tongue inside my mouth. Even after five years, the feeling of something so sharp in my mouth was alarming. Because I was still so young. My fangs were much smaller than any other vampire I had ever met. Slowly, the car rolled around to pull up to the front doors. I pushed open the door, thanking the driver as I closed the door. Even though it was still winter, the sun prickled my skin, thankfully, since I was still young, it didn't bother me as much. 

I stood by the main door, the building was purple in its tones, as the sun started to set. I watched as the car drove back down the schools gates, as I turned my head back to face the set of double doors before me, as I pushed them open. 

Kieran Valentine X MALE Reader (TRANS FTM)Where stories live. Discover now