Sixteen | Rule - Breaker?

Comenzar desde el principio

I forced myself to look up at the woman I had always hated.

Anamika Ex - Raghuvanshi stood with the same old smirk of superiority plastered on her lips.

She had a physique extremely similar to me. The same height almost. Yet she was exactly the opposite to me.

Today, she stood at the door of the room that was once hers.
Her smile mocked me for some reason.

"Shocked to see me?", She asked dramatically, stepping into the room.
My dislike for her was extremely deep rooted.

The term kothey wali had very definitely been used for me before. And that had been the then Crown Princess of the palace.

When I was thirteen, I remembered her making me dance on glass on purpose for her sadistic pleasure.
If Aviram was tyrant, she was downright pathetic. Pathetically sadistic.
There was no way anyone could like the vile woman who was simply drunk on the power and position she had.

I stood up, finding all the loath making it's way back.
Especially after what I had heard with regard to Nayantara.

"This room belongs to me.", I stated as clear as ever.
She simply smirked, with a raised brow and took an uncomfortably close step towards me.

She clutched my wrist.

"What are you doing?!", I shouted at her.
"A useless dancer like you, who deserves to be in the dance floor, near my feet, dare to call this room yours?!", She shouted back.

She had not changed a bit. She just never stopped putting others down.

"Leave my wrist!", I shouted at her.

But she yanked me by my arm, and pulled me to the door.

"Anamika! Leave me!", I shouted again, trying my best to free my wrist, she dug her sharp fingernails into my flesh.

I hissed in pain.

"You dare call me by my name?!", Saying so she yanked me, literally pushing me out of the room. I shut my eyes, as I lost balance.

I thought I'd fall face front on the floor.
But I did not.

I bumped against someone's physique. I looked up, reluctantly, to find him.

Aviram looked down at me.
Completely puzzeled.
My hands rested on his chest, as I slowly regained my balance.
A tear of pain escaped my eye.

He carefully wiped it away with his thumb. Looking straight into my eyes. As if trying to read me.

"Aww! So romantic aren't you, Raja ji?!", Anamika said sharply.
Aviram did not look at her, or even respond.

His ever so expressive eyes boring into mine.

"What has happened?", He asked me softly.
I stood up straight and took a step away from him.
I looked down.

The humiliation was hurting, it was hurting terribly.
This palace had given me nothing but constant humiliation.
My emotions seemed to overwhelm me now.

"Thank you for ruining my life.", I said in the most hateful tone possible.
He stood in silence.
I looked up, that had been the final nail in the coffin.

"I must leave.", I stated coldly.
Just the way he was.
Cold and heartless.
Maybe he was going to suffer and be in pain, but I was being humiliated day in and day out! I lost my dream! All because of him.

I looked at him accusingly, and he looked back guiltily.

"Then leave, filthy dancer.", Anamika snarled.

Aviram's eyes tore from my face to hers.

"No one called you here.", He stated.
His tone was not cold today. It was raw with emotion.
I could see the anguish burning in his eyes.

"Raja ji.. I am back in your life as your wife—"

"Devika Leela Kanwar is my wife!", Aviram shouted at her.
Almost a rebellion.
He walked past me, down to Anamika. His eyes flared up in anger, rage.

"How dare you touch the Queen of this palace?!", He shouted at her.

Anamika had clearly not expected it.
She looked at him, almost taken aback.

She drew in a sharp breath and said, "If I am here, that means even Nayantara would be."

The brahmastra? Wow. What a pathetic plan!

Aviram fell silent instantly.
She knew the key to his lock.

I drew in a sharp breath.
If I got myself involved in this family politics, I would ruin myself and my career.

I must decide for myself.
I must leave him in his state.

The Beast of the palace was better off without his estranged beauty.

"I am married to another woman, Anamika. You are too late.", Aviram said softly, not hiding his anguish.

And a tensed silence fell.


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