11: Sparks and Fireworks - Sushang's side

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Chapter art by Fuyu Hoshi: https://twitter.com/fuyuhoshi27

"Celebrate, for suffering has ended!

Celebrate, to welcome the era of peace!

Celebrate, for the Xianzhou Alliance has prevailed!

Mourn, for lives squandered to the darkness.

Mourn, for immortality still plagues us all.

Remember, for the sake of future generations,

Remember, for this is our pledge as the Xianzhou!"

The poem, written by a poet who had survived the Third Abundance War became the basis for the Week of Commemoration - Three days of celebration, two days of reflection followed by the last two days of remembrance.

The Artisanship Commission was responsible for creating and adjusting the mood for the Week of Commemoration on the Luofu during the three different phases of the festival. The first three days of the festival saw lanterns hung from the lamp posts on every street, from trees hung ribbons of multiple colours, posters of the Reignbow Arbiter and the Lux Arrow hung up on doors with the superstition of it bringing good fortune, as the atmosphere on the Luofu was livelier than usual. But the real festivities took place in Cirrus Square, where most of the crowds made their way to during all three days of celebration.

The day for her first date with her partner-now-lover had arrived as the two took a starskiff to Cirrus Square. As they approached the jetty, the noise from the festivities could already be heard from a distance away. The third day of the celebration phase was by far the most eventful, where the main event everyone looked forward to would be the fireworks show, celebrating the birth of the Xianzhou Alliance.

The weather was good and a slight breeze welcomed them as they arrived at the jetty. As they exited the jetty and walked down a large road, the crowds around them became more and more dense as people entered from the adjacent delves. A wide road made of smooth, cut stone led to the first open square surrounded by trees neatly spaced out around it and within were tents set up for various purposes. Her new lover had pointed out one of the tents that were renting a type of traditional Xianzhou dress for women, where a beautiful piece of silk garment was worn and fastened with a coloured sash.

"You want to try one on? I think you'd look stunning in one." Her lover asked. While she was indeed happy that he did call her pretty multiple times on the way to Cirrus Square, she also knew he was trying to butter her up to see her in one of these traditional dresses to satisfy his own desires. Having experienced wearing one before, she would have to undress down to her underwear before putting it on, and the thinness of the silk made her feel uncomfortably exposed. A tiny suspicion crossed her mind that he was having rather perverted thoughts when he suggested she put on one.

"I've tried on one before, the restriction of movement just doesn't sit right with me." She shrugged, turning down his suggestion. She did want to wear one just to get him to obsess over her appearance again, but as a Cloud Knight, she was too used to wearing clothing that allowed freedom of movement and wearing that traditional dress too loosely was frowned upon as being indecent.

As one walked into the main square, one would notice from the square broke off six avenues that fanned out in directions ahead of them with both sides of the avenue lined with makeshift stalls with frames made of wood, selling all sorts of things ranging from food to small trinkets and accessories. There was the occasional path that broke off into other smaller squares and others that connected one avenue to the next.

While exploring what the festival had to offer, there was a moment when the crowds had become a little too dense, and Sushang was almost swept away by the crowd. Catching her by the hand, the two of them continued to check out the festivities, their fingers now intertwined.

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