1.5: The Shape of Friendship - Sushang's side

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Chapter art by ウラ: https://twitter.com/hamburg_oniku

It all started with an official letter being delivered to her residence a few days prior. It had the seal of the realm-keeping commission of the Yaoqing and it was addressed to her. Sushang had applied to join the Cloud Knights before this, under her mother's instructions to join the army. Slipping out the piece of paper stored within the letter, she read its contents.

"To Ms. Li Sushang:

We have received your application to join the Cloud Knights of the Yaoqing. We are happy to inform you that your application has been successful.

Please report to the nearest Realm-Keeping commission office in your area at 0800H tomorrow and present this letter to the person in charge.

May you forge your legend among the Xianzhou with the Cloud Knights."

Her eyes went wide as she finished reading the letter. Jumping for joy, she quickly relayed the news to her parents who also congratulated her. After which her mother went to her room and returned with something wrapped in cloth. On closer inspection, it turns out to be the family heirloom sword - the Xuanyuan sword.

"I did say this sword was one day to be yours." Mother smiled as she handed the sword over to her. "Although I suppose if things are still the same as they were during your father's time... you'll probably be dispatched to the Luofu for quite a while for training."

The next morning, Sushang headed to the realm commission office branch. Showing the letter of admission to the receptionist at the front desk of the Realm-keeping commission, who led to a room to welcome all the new Cloud Knights, where she came to a realization.

Was she the only girl here?

The eyes of the other Cloud Knights stared in her direction and although she sensed no killing intent, something about a few of those stares made a chill run down her spine. Paying no mind to them, she took a seat and waited for the welcome speech to begin.

A man had stepped onto the small podium before us and began to speak. He was more decorated than the usual Cloud Knight, but a lot less when compared to the Generals of the Xianzhou, leading one to concluded he was an officer of sorts.

"Welcome to the Cloud Knights. On behalf of the Xianzhou, thank you for your service to protect and defend the Xianzhou." His eyes darted around the room, and as if able to sense what happened before he entered, he frowned, cleared his throat, and continued.

"Ahem. Anyway, if you look around, you may notice your batch of soldiers are not completely consisted of men. If you do wish to have your legend written among the Xianzhou, I would suggest you focus on yourself and avoid getting distracted. And as a warning, do not underestimate any of the women who have become Cloud Knights, for we have some prominent women such as our Lady General herself. Is that understood?"

"YES, SIR!" The room rang out in unison.

"Alright, that ends the welcome speech. As for plans, you have three days to bid farewell to friends and family. You'll be sent off to the Luofu for training in three days. Report at the spacefaring port at 9a.m in three days. Dismissed."

Three days came and passed quickly, and soon the day to depart to the Luofu had come. Sushang's father had work and was busy, so only her mother was able to come along to see Sushang off at the spacefaring ports.

Before she stepped onto the ship headed off the Luofu, Sushang's mother held onto her hands. Her expression was one of both pride and worry.

"Be careful alright? I know there are some good men within the ranks of the Cloud Knights just like your father, but not all of them are like him. Others will approach you for impure reasons, so make sure to have discernment when talking to them." Her voice was concerned.

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