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Back at the academy:

The day of the Purge came, and the students of the classrooms of the elites had to face the reality of what was coming to them, but they were also excited and confident about the survival game that they were about to play.

The clock hit 7 PM and the Purge began, the students started running for their lives, looking for a way to stay alive and not become a target. There was chaos everywhere and no one knew who their real ally was.The students were running around, trying to find shelter but they also knew that it was a race against time, a single mistake could be dangerous, and it could end their lives in an instant.

Some students formed groups to increase their chances of survival, but that also increased the chance for betrayal. And some students went alone, trying to make it as far as they could before the time ran out.

The students ran and hid from others, the tension was increasing as they realized that death was chasing them, and their survival chance was reducing by every minute.
The hours passed, and the students were still hiding, trying to prevent themselves from getting caught, a few were killed and their corpses were found by others, but the game was still going, and the death toll was increasing.

The students felt a sense of dread and fear as they knew they had to survive until the end, the clock was ticking and the chaos was increasing, the students felt tired and needed food but they couldn't risk it, they knew that any moment could end their time in the purge.

Hours passed by and night came, the darkness began to spread across the place and only the few remaining students could see each other in the distance, but they didn't know who they could trust.

Suddenly, a group of students came across each other, they were cautious at first, but it felt like it was better to be together and fight anyone that could kill them.

They joined their forces and went deeper into the darkness, hoping to find something that could save their lives, but they didn't know what was waiting for them.
Suddenly, they saw another student in the distance, they had the feeling that something was off, but they decided to approach them, hoping to make it out of the purge together.

When they got closer, they saw that the other student was injured, they looked around to see what had happened to him, they didn't find anything and they decided to take him with them as they proceeded deeper in the purge.

As they kept walking, they heard a loud sound, it seemed to be gunshots, and they knew that someone was after them.
They kept walking, feeling fear in every moment, they knew that their lives were at stake, they had to find a way to survive all of this.

As the students were about to reach a certain point, they heard footsteps, they hid and waited to see who was coming.

They saw it was another student coming, but his face did not show fear or concern, they knew something was off, but they had to take the chance to form an alliance in order to survive.
The new student joined them, making a total of 4 of them, they had to move forward as they needed a safe place to hide for the night.

They walked and walked until they finally reached a point where they saw an abandoned building, it was dark but it was the perfect place to stay and hide until the purge ended.

They entered the building and moved as silently as possible so they wouldn't attract the attention of anyone. The darkness was covering everything, and they only had each other to trust.

Once they were in the building, they moved further inside, the building was dark and old but they found a room they could stay in, it was safe and had enough space for all of them.

The students took a moment to rest, they didn't know for sure if they could trust each other, but they had to believe it since their lives were in danger.

As time passed, they heard footsteps outside the building, and they knew that someone was coming for them. And their survival chances were decreasing by the second.

The footsteps grew louder and louder, the students felt their hearts beating faster, they knew someone was outside, but who it was they couldn't know.

Suddenly, they felt a force, someone or something was trying to break into the room, they tried to stay hidden as they didn't know what would happen if they were discovered.

The door started to crack, and they knew that someone was finally about to get inside.

One of the students got up and tried to see who it was by looking through a window that was in the room.

They saw someone outside, but they knew they couldn't be sure that it was a friendly face, the student told the others to stand back, and to prepare themselves for whatever it was that was coming next.

The door kept cracking, the person outside kept pushing, and they finally broke in, the door opened and a person came inside the room.

The students stared at the person who had come inside, the person also saw the four of them and looked around, they were cautious at first but they had a sense of reassurance in their face.

The student who was looking through the window came back to the others and said, "I think we can trust him."

The students looked at each other and decided to let the other person stay with them, maybe they could survive if that person joined them.

Everyone sat down and tried to relax, even though they knew that the danger wasn't over yet. It felt like the right moment to introduce themselves and make a pact so they could survive.

So they told the person who was with them their names, and the person told them their name, and they agreed to stick together so that no one could harm any of them. It felt like it was the only option they had to survive against the purge.

The Purge : of The elite (Volume One )Where stories live. Discover now