Mafia. Wait what?

Começar do início

She revved the engine and accelerates, determination dancing in her eyes.

She quickly swerves when a fox runs out onto the road, and she struggles to regain control of her motorbike.

Once she was back on course and heading straight for the truck, Saki grins widely. 'I sure hope I can pull this off.'

'So do I.'

Right before she crashed into the truck, Saki leaned to the side, making her and the motorbike to balance precariously as she slid underneath the body of the truck expertly.

A string of curses was heard as the men chasing her looked around in puzzlement. "Oi, where'd she go?!"

Saki smirks in triumph as she drives away, leaving the confused gang in the dust.

Driving her motorbike into the hidden garage of the Whitebeard gang's warehouse, Saki parks it and hangs her helmet on the handles.

With her backpack slung over her non-injured shoulder and her cloth mask tied around the bullet wound, Saki opens the steel door revealing a narrow hallway which branched off into three directions eventually leading to more doors. She grins, announcing her return, "I'm back! Be excited!"

A familiar shirtless raven haired man comes racing around the corner with a wide grin on his face. "Sa-chan!!!"

"Sup, Ace!" she greets with a wave.

He immediately frowns once he got a good look at her. "Is that blood?"


"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question."

"It's nothing major! Just a scratch!" Saki tries to reassure her best friend.

He sceptically raises an eyebrow and crosses in arms. "What were you doing to get a bullet lodged in your shoulder, huh?"

"Nothing bad! Anyway, where's Oyaji?"

"He's in his room resting. After you see him, go straight to Marco and get patched up."

Saki nods in thanks. "Yeah yeah, don't worry I will."

"You better."

She walks past him, taking a left, down the hallway which led to all the bedrooms. She had to walk for a while to come to the end of the hallway which was a huge door made specifically for Whitebeard himself. She knocks lightly three times and once Oyaji said, "Come in," she gently pushed it open.

"Ah, my daughter. How was your drive?" Whitebeard was laying in bed, hooked up to many machines and an IV in his arm.

"It was good! I ate some ramen!" Saki closes the door behind her and skips toward the old man excitedly. "I even saw someone who sorta looked like Ace! And I saw Tra-chan for a bit! He was a little bit injured but he said he was fine! Oh! There were also lots of mafia and police around. I was careful, so don't worry!"

"That's very good." His eyes narrow in suspicion at the bullet wound in Saki's shoulder. "Did someone see you?"

"Nope! It was just a stray bullet, haha! It doesn't hurt too much. Nyx got me to tie cloth around it, so it'll be fine!" If you looked close enough, Saki's fingers were twitching, giving away her lie, but Whitebeard let it go.

"Very well. Go see Marco. He's in the infirmary stitching up Deuce."

"Eh?! Deuce was hurt?!" Saki asks worriedly. "Is he okay?!"

"You'll see. Now go," he dismisses her. "Next time, be more careful, okay?"

"Uh huh! Bye Oyaji!" Saki waves to the Mafia Boss and disappears back into the hallway to find the infirmary. Wait, where was the infirmary, again?

The Black Blade AssassinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora