Chapter 21

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Back to Lireo (Beach)

Vegas pov..

Vegas Kim and the Lireo's soldier start to gather infront of the beach lead by Hitano..Muros along with Aquil and 4 Sanggre's.. Meanwhile on the other side.. Sapiro soldier got lead by a prince of Sapiro..Prince Ybrahim along with Carina and others.. Cassieopeia then yell.. Don't be afraid everyone! This last battle will be the end of Katherine's army's! 'All the soldiers cheer up while holding up their weapons.. Aquil then see Katherine's armys then yell..' Get ready everyone! For Lireo!Hitano then yell' for Sapiro! 'Amihan then yell..' For Adamya! Pirena yell as well and say.. 'For Hathoria!Get ready now! Attack'!!.. All the soldiers cheer up and run towards their enemies and start to attack.. Vegas and Kim start to use their gemstone and strike Kinn and Andorra.. Muros then say..'God damn it! They are too many! Hitano! You used to be an ivtre! (Spirit) These armys much more like the Hadezars! Only you can kill them!' Hitano shake his head and say.. 'No! I cant kill them all!'.. Kim then say.. 'Dear God.. Please help us!'.. Suddenly.. Muros then see a group of people from Devas and ask with a shock tone.. 'Is that King Raquim?!' And Kahlil?! Aquil also feel shock and ask 'Is that Alvira Naswen or I see something else?' Kim then reply back.. 'No general.. We seeing a right thing..' I think Lord Ardes send them here! 'Muros smile and answers back..' Hitano.. Now we got a chance to win this battle! Attack! '.. The people from Devas start to fight with Katherine's armies along with Lireo armys..Kim use his sword and start to strike as well..

Meanwhile.. Vegas and Kinn have a fight again and again.. Vegas recite a spell and strike Kinn.. Andorra strike Vegas until he faint... Carina about to strike Katherine but got stop by Amarro.. Eric appear and stab Amarro stomach and see Amarro turn into ash.. Kinn then yell.. 'Damn it!' Katherine's laugh evilly while Eric then take Carina away from them and help the  others.. Kinn then feel excited to see Vegas is already faint and say.. 'My lord.. Please allow me to kill this bastard! He useless anyway!' Katherine smirk and answers.. 'Go ahead Kinn.. Our enemies finally fall down one by one!'.. Kinn is about to kill Vegas with his axe.. Suddenly stop as he see the light.. Katherine and Andorra along with Kinn cover their eyes.. Katherine then ask.. with an annoying tone.. 'What the hell is this now.. What kind of light is this?!' Porsche suddenly appear with a sword in his hands...Muyak who is watching over Porsche from far then say...'Porsche.. Please take care of your self and be save!' Kinn yell and about to strike Porsche.. Porsche quickly stop Kinn with his sword from striking and look at Kinn with disgust and anger then say.. 'Don't touch my Vegas.. Leave my Vegas alone!' Porsche push Kinn axe with his sword and kick Kinn until he fall on the ground..

Katherine then say..'Porsche Kittisawat...' Porsche smirk and look at Katherine and say.. 'Hello bitch.. We meet again.. Are you ready to accept your fate?' Andorra is about to strike Porsche.. Porsche quickly avoid Andorra attack and stab Andorra stomach and see her die.. Kim suddenly appear and start to fight with Kinn.. Porsche then say.. 'Now is 1 versus 1..let's see who will win!' Vegas slowly wake up as he feel someone shake his body...Vegas look at Kahlil and ask.. 'Who are you?' Kahlil smile and say.. 'Im Sanggre Alena son.. Im Kahlil...Come on.. We must help the others..' Vegas feel shock as he see his beloved Porsche is fighting with Katherine and ask.. 'Is that my Porsche.. Kahlil?' Kim kill Kinn with his power and run towards Vegas and Kahlil then say.. 'Yes Vegas.. It was Porsche.. Devas sent him and others to help us!' Come on Vegas! We still need to fight! 'Vegas quickly shake his head and say..'No Kim! Not anymore! I won't lose Porsche again!' Let me fight by his side!You and Kahlil should help the others!I will stay with Porsche! 'Porsche then strike Katherine with his power.. Vegas then yell..'Porsche! Here!' Porsche summon his air gem and recite a spell.. Vegas then see Porsche sword suddenly light up and yell again.. Porsche! Now! '.. Porsche stab Katherine's heart and say.. 'May you rest in hell you bitch!'Porsche turn around and look at Vegas and say..' I will see you later!'Porsche run to the other side and continue with the fight..

Meanwhile on the other side..

Amihan.. Alena.. Danaya and Pirena combine their gemstone and strike those enemies...King Raquim and Kahlil appear and help them to end the battle.... Kim and Vegas along with Carina and others gather at the beach and look at those fallen armys..Arianna strike the last army and say.. Finally... We won! 'Lireo soldiers cheer up for their victory..' Porsche then see Vegas is walking towards him and say.. 'Porsche.. My love..' Porsche smile and hold Vegas and Kim hands tight and say.. '"Dear Lord Ardes.. Our mission is already success and complete..'Ardes nod and smile then say..'Take Vegas and Kim back Porsche.. You will live as a human again and also.. You will have a happy life with Vegas.. Vegas look at Porsche and hug Porsche tight and kiss his forehead then whisper..' Let's go back guys.. 'Kim shake his head and reply..' I will go back to my house.. Im so tired right now.. I will see you again Vegas.. 'Kim dissappear from Lireo and teleport to his house.. Meanwhile.. Vegas and Porsche stay for a while at Lireo and listen to Ardes words.. Ardes then continue speaking..' And for Raquim.. Minea and others.. Welcome back to Lireo.. From now on.. You guys will have a normal live in Lireo for a long time! All 4 sanggre's finally hug King Raquim and Minea while Alena and Ybrahim go towards Kahlil and give him a warm tight hugs.. Amihan.. Carina and Danaya with Raquim and Minea walk towards Porsche and give him a tight hugs.. Pirena also walk towards Porsche and say.. 'Im so proud of you Porsche!' Eric then pat Porsche shoulder and say.. 'Welcome back Porsche!' Erica hug Porsche and cry without saying any words.. 'Porsche smile and stroke Erica head and say..' Dont do that again Erica.. Thank you so much for saving my life back there even I died in the end..'..Raquim smile and say..'We wish you and Vegas all the best.. You both already have our blessings!' Minea kiss Porsche forehead gently and say.. 'I hope you will have a happy life with Vegas'.. Porsche hold Vegas hands tight then bow and say.. 'Im gonna miss everyone in Lireo.. And to Lord Ardes.. Thank you so much for giving me a 2nd chance.. I truly appreciate this...' Cassieopeia hug Porsche and say.. Lireo is always open for you and Vegas.. Feel free to come and visit us'.. Vegas bow and say.. 'Once again.. Thank you very much everyone.. Thank you for everything!I really hope Lireo will always be safe and free from enemies and danger!We will go now.. Farewell and until we meet again everyone..' Porsche wave and dissappear with Vegas then teleport back to human world.. Ardes then say..' Finally.. We are free'.. Raquim hug Ardes then say.. '"Thank you so much Ardes'.. Ardes then smile and dissappear...

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