Chapter 18

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Porsche pov...

Porsche is busy with the fight.. Suddenly.. Erica appear with her spear and dagger then yell.. 'Porsche! Get down!' Porsche quickly avoid it as Erica start to strike the enemy with Anne gemstone.. Porsche then look at Erica and ask.. 'Erica.. What are you doing here?! This is not your fight! Get out of here and save your life!' The slodier strike Porsche waist until its bleeding.. Erica strike the enemy once again and reply back.. 'Speaking about that Porsche, You are the one who shouldn't suppose to be here! Lets go!' Erica hold Porsche close to her and teleport to Lireo..

At Porsche house..

Kim pov..

Kim already arrives at Porsche house and see the gate is already opened.. Kim quickly get out of the car and see Vegas also just arrive.. Vegas then ask..' Kim.. What the hell is going on here?! Where is Porsche?! Kim then say..' I don't know too Vegas.. Lets go inside and look for him! 'Both Vegas and Kim start to split up and look for Porsche but fail.. Kim then say..' Vegas.. I think.. Porsche got kidnapped! His mother and Chay as well! Try to use your power to detect Porsche!'Vegas nod and use his gemstone to detect Porsche but fail... Vegas kick everything and yell..' Its not fucking working Kim Kimhan! Kim then use his power but fail as well.. Kim sigh and say.. 'Lets go to the institute now! Maybe Porsche is there! Both of them teleport to the institute..

At Lireo..

Danaya pov..

Danaya Hitano and Alena are praying infront of Ardes statue.. Suddenly.. Porsche and Erica arrives at Lireo then see 2 sanggre's with a general are praying.. Danaya Alena and Hitano turn around and see Porsche and Erica.. Alena then ask.. 'Oh.. Porsche.. Erica.. What are you guys doing here all of a sudden?' Porsche look at Erica with an anger and ask.. 'What the hell is this all about Erica? What's the meaning of this?' Erica then say.. 'Porsche.. Please forgive me.. I didn't mean to do this.. But I have to.. Please forgive me for everything that Im going to do later..' Before Porsche could say anything.. Erica quickly use her power and make Porsche unconscious.. Hitano quickly catch Porsche with Alena then look at Erica with a confuse expression.. Danaya then yell..' God damn it Erica! What the hell are you doing?! 'Erica then reply back..' Im sorry Danaya.. Please don't be mad at me.. Right now.. Im trying to save Porsche life.. His mother and his little brother got kidnapped by Katherine army.. I think Kinn also is there.. 'Alena then ask..' Why are you doing this?What is your plan Erica? 'Erica then reply back..' I will continue the fight... Porsche aren't deserve to die.. I will finish his fight! Please look after Porsche! 'Erica then dissappear and teleport back to Katherine palace.. Hitano then ask..' What should we do now Alena.. Danaya? 'Danaya appear her earth gemstone and heal Porsche wounds and reply.. We can't leave Erica behind.. Alena.. Go and tell Hara Amihan about this..' Alena nod and teleport to Amihan room..

Back at Katherine palace..

Erica pov..

Erica then arrives and strike Katherine army and yell..'Damn you Katherine! I will end your life!' Andorra then yell.. Kill this witch! 'Erica then use her power and weapon to strike the army..

At institute..

Vegas and Kim finally arrives and burst into the institute.. Carina feel shock and ask..' Hey guys.. Calm down.. What's happening? What are you guys doing here? 'Kim then ask.. Where the hell is Porsche?! Vegas then look around and notice Erica also missing and ask..' And.. Where is Erica? Carina then answer back.. 'Erica already went out just now.. And she haven't return yet..' Anne start to have a bad feelings but ignore those feelings and say.. 'You guys should givr Porsche a little rest... And as for Erica.. She will return soon.. Don't worry..' Vegas then punch the wall and say.. 'Porsche is missing your dumbass! We already tried to detect him but fail! Vegas feel frustrated and sit down.. Kim pat Vegas shoulder and say.. We will found him soon Vegas.. Please calm down ok?..'Vegas then hold his head and speak in his heart...' Porsche.. Baby.. Where are you... '

At Lireo..

Danaya pov..

Danaya keep her gemstone as she see Porsche is finally awake.. Porsche then look at his waist and notice his wounds already heal completely.. Porsche suddenly remember about Erica and ask..' Where is Erica? And why the hell Erica interfere my fight with Katherine?' Porsche then look at Hitano and Danaya with a serious expression.. Hitano clear his throat and reply back.. 'Actually.. Erica found out about your plan... Porsche then ask again..' Where did she go now Sanggre Danaya? 'Danaya sigh heavily and say..' Erica return to Katherine palace and continue the fight.. And she asked us to look after you Porsche.. Porsche gasp then say.. 'No! Its impossible!' Porsche is trying to escape but quickly got hold by Hitano and Danaya.. Hitano then say.. 'Porsche.. Please listen to us.. We should go back to Sapiro.. Maybe we will be safe there.. Pirena and Amihan along with Alena is in Sapiro..'Porsche stay silent for 2 minutes and give up.. Porsche then say..' Fine then.. Lets go to Sapiro now.. 'Porsche slowly walk a bit from Hitano and Danaya and dissappear.. Danaya then noticed Porsche already dissappear and say.. Pashnea.. (Damn it).. Hitano then ask.. What should we do now Danaya?' Danaya then say.. 'We need to prepare because Katherine army is here!' Hitano and Danaya start to fight with Katherine army..

At Katherine Palace.. (Main hall)

Erica pov...

Erica keep fighting with the army.. Kinn then strike Erica body until Erica fall... Erica notice that she is already bleeding and out of energy.. Erica then strike the army and get up.. Erica hold his bleeding ribs and ask.. 'Is this the only thing you can give me?! Come on! Wound me even more so that I can get kill! Come on!' Porsche suddenly appear with anger and strike Kinn and other army using his gem.. Porsche quickly pull Erica from there and say.. 'Erica.. Get the hell out of here now!' Erica shake her head and ask.. 'What are you doing here Porsche?!' Porsche then reply back with a stern voice..'Enough Erica.. Please don't argue with me even more.. Don't you dare to disobey me! Go out and save your life!' Porsche still look at Erica with anger while Erica feels the tears start to rolling down on her cheeks.. Katherine chuckle and say.. 'Enough with this stupid drama.. Kill them!' Porsche and Erica use their power to strike the army..

Beauty And The Beast Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora