Chapter 17

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At Vegas house...

Vegas pov..

Vegas is sitting at the garden while remember about his conversation with Carina in Lireo...


Carina pov..

Carina is sitting at the garden while enjoying the view .. Vegas then come towards her and say.. 'Carina.. I don't want to waist my time so I will get straight to the point.. Please ask Eric to stop getting near to Porsche.. To be honest.. I don't like that guy..You as a leader.. Need to do something.. Maybe you can talk to Eric.. If anything happen to Porsche.. I won't forgive you.. Yes.. I felt grateful because you already help me to break free from those stupid curse.. But it doesn't mean.. I can let Eric do whatever he wants.. Especially getting near to Porsche.. I don't mind if Kim want to have Porsche.. Because.. Kim is my cousin.. We are related somehow.. So please remind Eric to keep his distance from Porsche.. 'Vegas then leave Carina alone at the garden..

Flashback ends..

Vegas feel shock as he see his beloved standing in front of him with the bag pack.. Vegas frown and ask..' Ooh.. Where are you going Porsche? 'Porsche smile and reply back..' I must go home now my love.. I miss mae and Chay.. I will see you tomorrow morning na krub..'Vegas then hug Porsche tight and say..' Take care of yourself my love.. Please be careful on your way back home.. I will see you tomorrow then..'Porsche feel hesitate to let go of the hug and speak in his heart..' Vegas.. If anything happen to me.. Please take care of your self na.. Please listen to your Pa.. Protect your little brother.. Please don't fight with other people.. Be a good man.. Im afraid.. I might not see you again my love.. Because.. I already made a decision.. I will sacrifice my life to stop Katherine's army.. The moment I lose my breath.. I will summon my gemstone to you.. I will make you feel my presence through the soft wind.. I will say.. 'I love you my love.. I will do that to Kim and to all people in Lireo as well.. I have no regrets Vegas.. Please look after my family for me..' Porsche finally let go of the hug and kiss Vegas lips softly and say.. 'I will go back now... Goodbye Vegas..' Porsche wave his hands and dissappear..

At Porsche house..

Porsche finally arrives at his house and feel shock as he see the gate is wide open.. Porsche start to feel panic and run inside of the house and look for his mother and Chay but nowhere to be found.. Porsche then yell.. 'Mae! Chay!'.. Porsche then take out his gemstone and say.. 'Dear gemstone.. Please show me.. Where is my mother and little brother right now..' Suddenly.. The image appear in front of Porsche.. Porsche feel shock again as he see his beloved mother and Chay got kidnapped by Katherine army... Porsche then squeeze his fist and see his sword flying towards him.. Porsche quickly catch his sword and say.. 'I will kill you Katherine!' Porsche then teleport to Katherine Palace...

Meanwhile at the institute..

Erica pov..

Erica is busy practice suddenly remember about Porsche.. Erica then speak in her heart.. 'I really hope that Porsche is fine.. I just wonder what is he doing right now... Will he come here for training tomorrow?' Erica then go inside her room and say.. 'Please show me.. What is Porsche is doing right now..' The image then appear in front of Erica.. Erica feel shock as she see Porsche is already arrives at Katherine's Palace.. Erica then see 2 people was sitting on the floor with the eyes close.. Erica then say..' Im very sure that is Porsche mom and his little brother.. Please don't tell me Porsche is going to sacrifice himself for all of us.. No.. I can't let this happen! Porsche might get kill! I must stop him! I need to borrow Anne's water gem..' Erica then get out from her room and see Anne is eating with David and Eric along with Carina.. Erica change her face expression and greet them with a happy tone and say...'Hello guys!' Anne chuckle and ask.. 'Where have you been Erica? I thought you are resting..' Erica smile and ask.. 'Erm..Anne.. Can I borrow your water gemstone for a while? I just want to play around with it! Actually Im going out today! I feel really bored in here..'Anne sigh slowly and appear her water gemstone and give it to Erica and say.. Please be careful Erica... Do not lose it!' Erica smile and hug Anne and say.. Carina.. I will go now.. Bye! 'Carina is about to ask.. But Erica dissappear and teleport to Katherine's Palace..

At Katherine's Palace...

Porsche pov..

Porsche appear in front of Katherine and see his mom and Chay are unconscious.. Porsche then brave himself and say..' Hello Katherine..' Katherine smirk and reply back.. 'I think I know why are you here Porsche.. You come here to save those 2 am I right huh? Porsche take out his sword along with his air gem and start to strike the armies.. Kinn try to strike Porsche but Porsche manage to avoid the strike and strike Kinn and the other army.. Katherine clap her hands and say with sarcastic tone.. 'What a bold move Porsche Pachara.. Lets see who will win this battle.. Me or you..' Porsche recite a spell and strike Katherine.. Kinn then yell.. 'Kill the new keeper of Air Gem!' Porsche once again use his sword and strike them..

At Vegas house..

Vegas laying on his bed while keep thinking about Porsche.. Vegas feel shock as he feel his phone buzz and see Kim's name on it then pick up the phone call and say..' Hello Kim? What's up? Kim then say..' Hey dude.. May I speak to Porsche.. I kinda miss him right now.. 'Vegas chuckle and say.. Use your power and teleport to his house then.. I already have a bad feelings right now Kim.. Porsche said he want to return to his family house.. By this time, he should suppose to call me back but he didn't... Lets go and to Porsche house.. I will see you there soon ok? 'Kim then reply back..' Alright Vegas.. I will see you there.. Vegas hung up his phone and get dress then teleport to Porsche house..

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