

I motion for the admiral to follow me down the corridor to my office. Thanks to Zena, Butler arrives at the same time as me with dry clothes. I work my jaw the whole time I'm changing, trying to resist the curse that is sitting on my tongue. Deciding to forgo the suit altogether, I enter my office in my basic black trousers and a matching shirt to find Thrawn standing, staring out the window.

"I apologize for so much delay," I say as evenly as I can manage.

But I feel terrible because I could have been here sooner. I wanted Kitten to meet Thrawn, so I hung back. When I saw the message to return home immediately, I knew something had gone very wrong.

"It is quite alright, my lord. I found this entire experience to be rather exciting." I almost laugh, his neutral voice and expression so hard to read.

"Yeah?" I ask as I sit in my overpriced chair. "Which part was your favorite?" It is my attempt at a joke, but Thrawn of course takes it literally.

"Getting to know your betrothed, I think."

I let out a snort—there's no way Kitten told him anything of the sort. "I felt bad for asking her to entertain you. She believes she is awkward with people."

He raises an eyebrow and crosses an ankle over his knee. It's the most casual I've ever seen him. "Awkward is not a word I would use to describe Velez."

I give him a small smile. "Nor would I. I'll admit, there have been times when she's been rather disagreeable with people she's not sure are my ally."

Which I fucking love.

"She was honest. Honesty is a rare quality in our line of work." He pauses a moment. "She told me she didn't like me."

I explode into laughter, part of me shocked and the other part not surprised at all. While she might conceal her feelings to the point of appearing dismissive at times, and while she has a way of using words as armor, she can also throw them like daggers.

"For what?" He is clearly studying me—I don't blame him. His idea of me has probably crumbled many times this day.

"I believe my observations made her uncomfortable."

"I have no doubt," I say and lean back in my chair. They have made me uncomfortable since the day I met him, but I find I like this unusual man. Kat will too upon learning how efficient he is.

"She did not hesitate during any part of the day. Though she warned me that she is not military, she acted as a true leader and made difficult decisions without looking back. I saw two very different sides to Velez today." My pride for my Kitten only grows as time goes on. I'm looking forward to watching Annie's clips of the day, especially how she handled entertaining Thrawn.

"She underestimates herself. But she is the most loyal person I've ever known."

"To you?" And not to the Emperor?

"Yes." I can practically see his brain filing that away.

"And to the princess."

"You are telling me you haven't figured that out yet, Admiral?" There's no humor in my voice. This topic scares me the most.

"Not quite, I'm afraid. I thought I had, but you called Bail Organa her father."

He's fibbing. He is giving me the chance to say it. He wishes to analyze me, but I guess I don't mind. I need allies, and I need as much honesty as possible because there are too many things I have to hide. Another powerful person knowing who Leia is means another set of eyes on her, and Thrawn, at least, will not harm her. I don't know if he's a morally good guy, but that doesn't matter. I know what he wants, and it doesn't stand in my way.

Anakin's Fortress - Book II (temporary cover)Where stories live. Discover now