(I'm Back!) Chapter 7

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This is a filler chapter to get you guys back on board.

Posting the actual chapter tomorrow ;)(Sunday).

Hope ya'll ready to get the book actually going.

Many of you probably didn't see my recent post on my profile but I'm finally back from my hiatus! AND I WILL BE POSTING REGULARLY...EVERY SUNDAY!!!

Anyways, I'm finally done with high school and I've been just randomly writing bits here and there, and got hooked on writing again. I'm sorry for posting so late even though there is only about a month left of summer break (and that ill be heading to uni :c ). BUT I have my reasons. Firstly, I've been just chilling...yep nothing new there. Second, the more legit reason, I've actually been writing a couple of more chapter and just basically planning my storyline. I really want this story to be interesting and fun, and not only leave it at a cheerful badboy cliche kind of thing. Lastly, I was just lazy.

SO IVE BEEN DOING A LOT OF PLANNING AND ORGANIZING. You guys have no idea what I've got in stored for ya'll.

BTW would you guys like weekly long updates (~5000 words) or short regular updates (~1000 words) for like maybe three times a week? Please tell me! 

- M


Cameron's POV

"What? That can't be. She lost already?" Jessica stands in front of my desk in deep thought. Neither could I think that this would happen.

She let out a dramatic sigh. "She is the boss of the Nanny Agency, you know."

"Then help me find the queen of the Nanny Agency." I hastily flip through the files on my desk and gives her a bored glance, hoping to dismiss her. "Even if its three times the money, I don't mind."

Instead of leaving, she stomps her feet and crosses her arms. "But boss," she whines. "No matter how much you are willing to pay, we can't find anyone. You do realize that you've also received a nickname in the nanny world- they now call you Bluebeard."

I furrow my brows in confusion. What in the word is that supposed to mean?What sort of nickname is Bluebeard? It's more like blue balls. I look up from the papers and unconsciously raises my hand to feel my chin.

"Those nannies that have been hired by you previously either had deep physiological issues, to the extent of consulting a psychiatrist, or injuries that are so serious, it was needed for them to stay in the hospital for careful monitoring," she continues.

It's not like that they were burdened - I paid for all of them.

"Boss, everyone hopes to make a living but who wants to lose their life in the process?!"

"I don't care," I bite out in frustration. "In any case, people will be willing just because of the money. When people are desperate, they would do anything."

I thought back to yesterday and added, "You know, there was a swindler yesterday who tried to get herself run over by my car, for money." I stressed the last part.

"What?" She gasped in concern but instead of the expected of asking about my well-being, she says, "Oh my goodness. I feel so bad for that person. So unlucky. I mean out of all cars, she bumps into you?" She gives me a taunting sneer at the end.

"Hey," I warned. "I am the victim here!" I reminded her.

"You're the victim?" she raises an eyebrow. "Then did she con you for money?"

"Of course not."

"You see..." she sighs while giving me the what-am-I-going-to-do-with-you look. "How pitiful..."

"The important thing is," I interrupted her. "- as long there is a nanny who's willing to report to work immediately, the salary is negotiable."

"BUT the salary is not the problem boss," she whines. Why can't she stop complaining and start getting on to her job? "It's not like that I can just randomly pluck out a nanny. All of them already know their fate if they were to babysit those little devils - ah, wait a second," she stops in the realization of some sort of epiphany. "What you mean is that as long as the other person is willing, there is no matter in how much you are willing to pay?"

I studied her carefully, wondering what in the world her devious mind was planning. "Thats right?" I answered in a rather a question. "As long as she fits the requirements."

What is she up to?

Brooklyn's POV

Today is sure starting off nicely. The sun is out and the heat is down. I looked down at my orange safety vest.

"First day of work. Her performance is not bad," I secretly overhear my boss talking to one of the supervisors.

I smile contently to myself. This job isn't bad. The pay is high. The welfare is good and every day I get to use this amazing tool.

Clink. Clink. Clink.

"Will this be according to the planned schedule?"

While I was occupied in snooping in hearing my boss's conversation in the background of machines and a cacophony of clinks, my phone started to ring.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. No problem. Today's construction will be till 5 pm."

Who can this be? I was in the midst of listening to my boss talking about how awesome I am. I stopped my rock drill and idly took out my monstrous phone from the back pocket of my overalls.

"Hello," I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey sis...let me tell you - " I hung up.

Who wouldn't be angry if someone mercilessly locks you out of the house early in the morning with a hangover? I understand that its totally unacceptable when one loses one's job and when it comes to Jess, it's as bad as a world abomination. Being the workaholic, I get that it terribly pains her oh-so-delicate and kind heart (note the sarcasm), but SIS, I'm hurting too! But knowing she'll kick my ass later if I don't get back to her, I decided to text her a reply.

W-h-a-t-'-s u-p s-i-

In the midst of texting, my phone rings again.

Why does this always happen? I internally face palm myself in frustration due to my stupid monstrous phone and my stupidly annoying sister.

I pick up.

" You want to die? Why did you hang up on me?" Jess screams from the other side of the line.

"Didn't you say not to call since credits are so expensive?" I exclaimed.

"Oh my goodness," Jess mumbles before letting out an exasperated sigh. "Do you not have eyes? Did you not see my caller ID? I'm using the office's telephone, SO IT DOESN'T USE UP ANY OF OUR MONEY!"

My ears were ringing and I quickly distanced myself in case she explodes again. And after a long pregnant silence, I bring my phone back to my ear.

"Just quickly, come to my office, to meet me now..."

"It's my first day of work and you want me to go AWOL?" This girl honestly has no sense....

She exhales loudly. "I'm not asking you to go AWOL; I'm asking you to resign."


"Right now," she says through her teeth in a menacing tone. I cringe just thinking about what her face would look like right at that moment. "I want you here at my office as soon as possible. Understood?"

Before I got to retort, she hung up on me.

I stared at my phone incredulously for a good five minutes before the terrifying realization dawned upon me.

What the fuck Jess?! Resign?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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