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Kazuha smiled at her, expressing love in his communication. His voice just brings out even more emotions in me right now, Nahida just don't know how to process all of this. Her eyes slowly got wet as more tears started to fall down from her cheek.

"Hello... Kazuha... I... I really don't know what to say... I just... I really don't know anymore..." Nahida slowly spoked in a slightly quivering voice.

"People live to survive challenges. I'm sorry, Hoshino; for I couldn't walk this life journey with you neither gave you a little company, as I had died of my sickness." Kazuha's words felt like a brick hitting on Nahida, it was painful. She was filled with even more grief and sadness after hearing Kazuha's words, her eyes slowly gets even more wet. All this grief and sadness in her heart was too much for Nahida.

"Do... you really have to leave me..? Can't... can't you stay even for a little longer?"

Nahida slowly speaks again, she's slightly quivering as more tears falls down from her face.

"But this maple leaf shall reminds you of me, my daughter.May this leaf never leave your side, my child. I'm sorry for my past wrongdoings." Kazuha finally admits as he gave Nahida a warm and tight hug, before the time runs out. He dissappeared in dust slowly. Nahida slowly wraps her hand around the maple leaf, tightly holding it in her hands as she slowly sinks to her knees because of the weight of the grief that was piling up on her. She looked at the maple leaf, as if it was the last piece of Kazuha left in her life.

"I'll... I'll never forget this map-... This maple leaf... I'll... I'll always have it with me..."

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