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"Flowers for Scaramouche Hoshino" 

The man in a black hoodie with white hair and a crimson stripe stated.

 He clutched a bouquet of white roses in his hands.Nahida's eyes widened when she saw the bouquet of roses, who sent them? "My mom is going to find out who sent them. I really hope she likes it" She thought as she waited for her mom to come back, Nahida couldn't wait to see her excited face. "Thank you!" Scaramouche uttered.

 Suddenly, she got stabbed as she thanked the man. The knife was both sharp and powerful. Scaramouche had severe gastrointestinal injuries.

"Did you despise me? I apologize!" She began to cry. The killer immediately regretted his actions and fled, leaving the mother wounded. Scaramouche slammed the door shut, protecting her little one.Scaramouche's frail voice called Nahida."Hello my child, please come here..." Her bloodstains were mainly located on the door. Scaramouche sat in her own pool of blood.Nahida's eyes widened in shock and fear when the man stabbed her mom.

"NOOO!! MOM!!" She thought as tears streamed down her face

She was so scared, she couldn't move a single inch."MOM!? MOM!" She cried as she yelled at the top of her lungs "Is there anyone who could help mom? SHE'S BLEEDING!"Please... Someone... Help mom.. "M-Mom! A bad man stabbed you! Why did he do something to hurt you?"

Scaramouche's frail voice called Nahida. "Hello my child, please come here...Her bloodstains were mainly located on the door. Scaramouche sat in her own pool of blood.

Nahida had tears streaming down her cheeks. "I want to know his motive behind this! He might think it is fine, but... I'm so angry about it! I can't let a bad man hurt you! My mother..." She cries in pain and sadness. "I couldn't protect you... I'm so sorry, I wish I could've protected you... I'm sorry..."

"T-the bad guy's really despised me eh?Scaramouche hugged Nahida while she's bleeding. Nahida hated the fact that she didn't do anything to prevent the killer. Scaramouche hugged her warmly, caressing her soft hair. "Yes, he does. But I can't forgive him for hurting you. How dare he hurt my mom..." Nahida looks into her mother's eyes in worry and pain  as she hugs her back. "Please don't worry mom, you'll be fine. I'm here so you'll be okay" Nahida gave her mother a warm and soft smile, she couldn't express more love than this, she just wanted her mom to be fine again.

"I-I w-wonder w-what k-kind of grownup will you be... Ah, an Actress!" As she said those fragile words, Scaramouche managed to smile through the agony despite her excessive bleeding. "I'm sorry. my child for growing up without a father..." Nahida wipes off the tear that was still on her cheek. "Don't blame yourself about our absent father. I am sure you would do your best if the circumstances were different...". She then thought of what she could say next, she thinks that the best way to brighten her mom's mood is to compliment her. "You already raised me by your own, you're a single mom. You know what single parents do? They're really awesome and strong. And my mom is one of the strongest and the bestest single parent!" Nahida told her mom in a loving, yet worried voice.

"A-and one m-more thing m-my child." Scaramouche hugged her lovingly, despite of her unbearable pain and agony.

"I love you! I'm sorry I opened the door.. shouldn't done it." Her star pupils twinkled for the last time. Scaramouche's star pupils faded, signalizing she's dead.

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