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Nahida's eyes widened as she realized it.


Nahida cries out with pain and sadness, as she kneeled beside her mother, trying to wake her up. Even though she knows she won't respond, Nahida kept crying and screaming at her mom to wake up.


Her tears overflowed with a loud scream, Nahida was hurt emotionally by the sudden death of her mom. Suddenly, she picked up the knife that was lying beside the door. Nahida inspected it. As her thoughts are trying to solve this mystery, her mind was aking her a big, yet complicated question.

Who. Killed. Mom.

Nahida's heart sank in that moment. Why did the killer kill her mom? She was a sweet, kind and beautiful person, yet this happened to her. The killer didn't even have a good reason to kill her mom. "How dare he! I will make him regret his actions one day! I swear that I'll make him regret hurting my mom!" Nahida thinks about revenge, but she didn't know who the killer was, she couldn't do anything yet. So for now, she had to focus on mourning to her mother.

After a few minutes, she heard car sirens. The police came. They give Nahida's mom a proper funeral. She looked at the jar where her mom's ashes were placed, Nahida hugged it tightly. She's all alone again, her mom is now a jar of ashes, she can't even talk to her anymore...

"Why... Why does this happen to me...."

Nahida held her mother's jar of ashes and cries again, she felt like the world is against her. It's not fair, why is this happening to her?

Nahida looks outside the window and sighs, she couldn't just sit here and cry for days. She has to solve this mystery, she has too. Nahida can't be a crybaby forever. After a few wipes on her tears, she thought about some people that were close to her mom.

Heizhou Shikanoin? Nah, he's in Liyue. Heizhou dosen't even know Scaramouche.
Xiao? Nah, Her mom dosen't even met him.
Faruzan? But her hair's light blue. And she's a girl.....

The man or the killer, as far as I could remember, has a white hair and a red crimson steak. Who in Teyvat has that fucking hair color?!

Could it be someone I know? I never thought anyone would come to our home and kill my mom! Who could've done it? I really have to investigate! Nahida thought.

In response, she went to Scaramouche's room and began observing some of her things, hoping to get a clue that could point towards the killer of her mom.

As Nahida was searching frantically, a picture of Kazuha Kaedehara  showed upon her eyes, and suprisingly....

It fits the killer's features.

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