Nosy Class

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Ever since the end of their second year of middle school, Katsuki had been giving Izuku money and gifts in exchange for the green-haired boy to stay away from him. He had been forced to try and make up with the boy after Mitsuki found out about their fall out and the bullying, having been given a rather large allowance that he was meant to give to Izuku as an apology and to help out as needed.

Of course, she didn't know the deals they made for said allowance once out of earshot of the problem children.

Said deals were usually "Stay away from me for X number of days if you want that limited edition All Might poster" and "Don't talk for a week if you want to get that new figure" though sometimes the deals backfired. Like how they had to end a deal on day four when even teachers started to get worried about the boy who muttered near constantly not making a sound. Gradually, however, their deals of Izuku staying away from Katsuki in exchange for the allowance and various purchases of All Might merch slowly changed to be deals of Izuku getting his life in order to actually be a worthy rival if he was really adamant of being a hero still.

They made sure to keep it subtle, though, given Katsuki's lackeys still bullied the boy and it would be suspicious if the explosive blond was suddenly

Whenever Izuku wanted some merch, he excitedly muttered about some merch he saw around Katsuki and Katsuki would give him the money for it when they were alone. In exchange, he'd order Izuku to do various things like triple check his homework, go to bed at a reasonable hour, stop eating unhealthy food for a week and start eating more healthy food, etc, etc. He even managed to get Izuku to go on morning runs with him for a full month before despite the merch being only fifty thousand yen.

This system of theirs had been so ingrained into them that they didn't stop when they entered UA, the two continuing their usual methods of Katsuki giving Izuku money though less muttering now and used to being subtle about this unique aspect of their relationship.

They just forgot one little thing: their classmates were much more aware of their surroundings than their Middle School classmates and had begun to notice the odd interactions between the two that were followed by Izuku being ordered around by Katsuki.

The first time the class actually started to question their interactions had actually occurred some time after they all moved into the dorms and they were stuck being around one another near 24/7.

Katsuki had been working on his homework with Denki and Mina doing the same near him when Izuku walked over. The headphone Katsuki had in were removed by the blond who barely looked up as Izuku started talking about some new, unofficial, Eraserhead merch that he had seen.

Having seen the explosive teen blow up for less, Mina and Denki tried to get Izuku's attention away from him and get him to help with some confusing parts of their homework. Unfortunately, he seemed hyper focused on telling them all about this merch and not even them showing him their homework changed the subject.

Luckily, either for Izuku or the two sat at the table with Katsuki, Izuku saw the time and rushed off to his room to grab his bag. Neither noticed the key he now had in his hand, but did notice how he was ordered to pick up extra spicy curry when he handed Katsuki some papers and ran out of the dorms.

"Dude. I know he interrupted homework time, but isn't it a bit harsh to demand he get extra spicy curry? Wouldn't it, like, destroy his merch or something?"

"Deku is an idiot but he wouldn't put his new merch with the curry, Dunceface. Focus on your homework instead of what others do.", said Katsuki.

He began to look through the papers he was given-- Izuku's finished homework, from what Mina could see from her spot --after that and scribbled a few notes on some spare paper he had, something he usually did when helping his friends with their homework so he didn't have to repeat himself.

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