Chapter 5

14 3 1

Hyungwon's POV


"Hyungwon-hyung, when we'll be going out?" Changkyun asked as he placed down the bags he brought with him.

"Are you that excited to go out? We just arrived." I asked, chuckling, and not giving him a look while I organize my wardrobe.

"Aniyo, aniyo... I want to sleep, that's all." he stated and yawned.

"Then go sleep. I will wake you up when it's time." I ordered, giving him a reassured smile.

"Arasso, hyung." he said before getting out of my sight.

I stood up when I finish organizing my things and proceed to pick up the bags that Changkyun left scattered on the floor.

"Aish that child! I am just 2 years older than him. Why do I feel like I am his father?!" I complained, placing the bags near his bed. I stared at him who's deep asleep. I want to curse him right now but I am startled by a loud knock on the door.

I walked towards the frantic who kept banging the door.

"Shibal-Oh! Shownu-hyung, why do you look so...stressed?" I asked as soon as I saw my hyung, with his ragged breath, and messed up hair.

"Jenjang! We left Kihyunie at the dorm!" he shouted. I am to answer him but I held it back when I saw who's arriving behind him, it's Kihyun. His nostrils flaring.

"Ya! Byung-shin-a (you dumbass)! How could you leave me?" Kihyun shouted and gave Shownu a slap on the back of the head. I held my breath to stop myself from laughing.

"Yongseohae-chuseyo! I won't do it again. Sorry." Shownu apologized. Kihyun massages the bridge of his nose and breathes in really deep before letting it all out. The cold air around us, instantly warms up.

"Yo! Eomma you are here!" Joohoney shouted, his head peeking out the door. He stood up straight and walked towards us. Wonho and Minhyuk following behind him.

"Where is Changkyun-a?" Kihyun asked, looking for his youngest.

"He's sleeping inside." I shortly replied. Kihyun nodded and faced all of us.

"We'll meet at 6." he announced. We all nodded in response.

With a satisfied nod from him, we all get back to our respective rooms. "Neo! Help me get my bags...please." I heard Kihyun say, calling our papa. I just shook my head at the sight of them.

I decided to spent the next 2 hours in bed and having a live video.

"You really are lazy." I read the comment from Kihyun.



"Changkyun-a? Changkyun-a! It's time to wake up." I whispered with a hard tap on his shoulder. He begrudgingly stood up, stretched a little, and went straight to the bathroom to fix himself. I am already in my outfit, while waiting I decided to take mirror selfies, and story it on my instagram. I wore fitted black, turtleneck longsleeve, black jeans, black leather shoes, and sage green colored long coat.

"Hyung, I'm done." Changkyun stated, still putting his jacket on.

"Let's go." I said and head straight to the door. Wonho is already waiting outside, holding his camera and pointing it at me. I played along until all of the members are out.

"Let's take a picture before going out." Shownu suggested, in which we all agreed. After taking a formal picture, by asking a staff to take a picture of us, of course, it would not be complete without a selfie. "Hana, Dul, Set! Smile!" Shownu shouted and we all posed. He clicked more than ten times and we all looked epic.

"Cuties!" Kihyun exclaimed. "Now, enough of that, let's just look at the pictures after we eat and shop. I am hungry!" he added and gave us his best smile.

"What do you want to eat?" Wonho asked us as we walk. We are on the way to the shopping street of Myeongdong.

"I am craving for chicken." Minhyuk answered and all of us suddenly grew a light bulb above our heads. Our eomma loves eating chicken and he's been in a bad mood for a while now.

"Me too." we replied in unison.


We spent the night eating, buying, and just spending our money. Some of us are already tipsy from drinking soju.

We took a bunch of photos of the places we went to, as well as photos of each other that we posted on our social media accounts.

I sighed, guiding them as we walk back to our hotel. Having high alcohol tolerance is no good. I am the one who always ends up cleaning their mess.

"Ya! Jamsemanyo, jamsemanyo! Hyungs look at this." Changkyun halted, we did too, to look at the phone he's holding.

"Wae? What's the matter?" Shownu
worriedly asked.

"Look! This girl, she's almost in all of our photos. Photobombing." he stated as he showed us photos that the girl is in. She wore a beige colored coat, messy brick colored hair, and big golden-square eye glass.

The longer I stared at her, the louder my heart beats. It's painful.

"Do I know her?"

I have a feeling that I have seen her somewhere. I just can't remember. A sudden burst of chills went down my spine.

"Who is she?"

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