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The car parked in the driveway, and Yoongi reluctantly climbed out, still carrying the woman's clothing.

"Put my things away on the bed, I'll sort it after dinner." She instructed, unlocking the front door. "Then start on your homework in your room. Door shut- I don't even want you glancing at Namjoon in the hallway. You'll be compelled to talk to him."

"Yes, ma'am." Yoongi murmured, heart beating fast despite the deep sadness he felt.

They stepped inside and Yoongi immediately looked around for Namjoon, then realized he was probably still locked in the bedroom.

There wasn't an immediate sign of Holden.

His heart skipped a beat- he might get a minute alone with Namjoon while he was putting the woman's things away.

Quickly, before the woman could change her mind, Yoongi all but ran up the steps and down the hallway.

He knocked timidly on the door, which served no purpose since it was locked from the outside and Namjoon wouldn't be able to open it for him.

Setting the bags down, Yoongi unlocked the door and cautiously opened it.

Namjoon looked up from the bed, an almost finished book in his hands.

"Yoongi," he whispered, quickly putting the book away and sliding off the bed.

"I know- we aren't supposed to talk." Yoongi ran into the room, squeezing the porn star in a tight hug. "But we have a minute- she's downstairs."

Despite the risk, Namjoon hugged him back.

"Are you okay?" He asked, bending down a little to be more eye level with the smaller boy. 

Yoongi nodded, though he wasn't. "School was fine. But listen, she bought a shock collar for you. You have to be careful, she's done this before!"

Namjoon's face went blank, trying to process this. "Wait... slow down, what?"

"It's a long story and we don't have time." Yoongi said urgently. "We went shopping today and she went to the pet store and bought a shock collar for dogs, but she's going to put it on you!"

"But... why?" Namjoon didn't understand it- he had been obedient and submissive the entire time to her, why would she suddenly buy something like that? Didn't she trust him even in the slightest? He had passed all her previous tests, did that not matter?

"She's done this before," Yoongi looked over his shoulder to make sure they were still alone. "A previous boy. He was being good for her so she decided she could take the risk of taking him outside, to the park and stuff. As a safety measure she put this dog collar on him and had him wear a scarf or turtleneck to cover it up. If he tried to run she threatened to shock him."

Namjoon supposed it made sense, and the idea of being able to go outside was huge- a possibility to escape or send a clue or get help. Hell, maybe he could incapacitate her and then run like hell until he was out of range of the collar. Then it wouldn't even matter that he was wearing it. Or swipe the remote somehow...

Of course, he absolutely didn't want to wear a shock collar though. Even if she never used it, the threat was always there of it going off. Even on accident. 

"Isn't that good?" Namjoon whispered. "If she takes me outside I can try to find a way to pass on an S.O.S. to someone."

Yoongi bit his lip. "There's a reason we had to buy a new shock collar. He disobeyed her and she got mad. Real mad. She turned the voltage all the way up and pressed the button. It was horrible... his screams..." Yoongi trailed off, his face scrunching up in pain at the memory.

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