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Namjoon said nothing, cheek resting on his drawn up knees as he stared into the fire, arms still chained behind himself, and Yoongi decided it was best to let him be for now.

He checked the time, seeing they still had a few hours before the man would be awake. He dreaded having to put Namjoon back in the cage, but they would have to do it eventually, or else they would both get in huge trouble.

He for one, had had enough of the mans punishments. His pale skin was littered with bruises, all in various stages of healing. Thinking about them made him draw the long sleeves of his sweater down over his hands.

Yoongi felt horrible, crushing guilt at his confession, and he risked a look at the kidnapped pornstar.

Namjoon was gazing at the fire, and Yoongi wondered what he was thinking.

The bright flame flickered, casting a warm glow on the boys tan skin. His dragon eyes glittered, reflecting the smoldering embers.

He was really pretty, and Yoongi blushed, quickly averting his gaze. His hands fidgeted in his lap. He swallowed hard.

Part of him wanted to scoot closer to the boy, offer some comfort and place his arm around the boys broad shoulders, but the other part of him thought the boy probably wanted to be alone right now.

And a dark part of Yoongi thought that Namjoon hated him.

"Do you want any more water?" He murmured after a few more minutes of silence.

Namjoon didn't reply, still gazing into the fire, and Yoongi was about to ask again, when the boy finally nodded.

Eager to help, Yoongi quickly rolled off the couch, hurrying to the kitchen to refill the glass.

Trying not to let his hands shake, Yoongi sat back down on the couch, closer to Namjoon this time, and held up the glass to help him drink.

It was quiet in the room, other than the sound of the crackling fire, and Yoongi hoped the boy couldn't hear how loud his heart was beating.

He held the glass up to the boys mouth, admiring how pretty and pink and plush his lips were as he helped Namjoon drink.

"Do you want anything else to eat?" He asked quietly.

Namjoon shook his head.

Yoongi leaned against the couch, staring at the curve of Namjoon's bent legs. The outfit on the boy covered nothing, letting Yoongi take in every inch of his beautiful tan skin. He knew he shouldn't objectify the boy, especially not after what he had just been through, but he couldn't seem to take his eyes away.

Namjoon was just...beautiful.

Yoongi wanted to help him, to protect him, but he couldn't.

He felt small. Worthless. Weak. Just like how Holden and Vylette always told him he was.

But Namjoon didn't think that. He had smiled at Yoongi and called him brave.

He risked a glance at the boy again, desperate to do something to help him, even if it was something small.

"I...I have some lotion." He stammered out. "If you want, I could give it to you. To help with the rope burns."

Namjoon finally looked at him, stealing Yoongi's breath away.

"I would have a hard time putting it on." He muttered, sounding tired as he tugged on his chained hands.

"I could put it on for you!" Yoongi didn't mean to blurt it out. "I mean, only if you wanted me to, of course. I promise I'm not like them, I wouldn't touch you anywhere without your permission..." He bit his lip, heart pounding. "I...I just want to help you...in a way that I can."

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