Epilogue - Forever a Hero

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"Yes! I'd love that! And bwing Aunty Chloe, and Uncle Lukie too! Oh, oh and Aunty Jules and Aunty Wose! We can have a big pawty! With Becks, too!" Emma, my daughter with the superpower to dump a boat load of chores on me within the span of 20 seconds, happily hands the phone back to me after saying bye.

"Can you invite everyone?" I sigh into the receiver, hearing Alya laugh.

"Yes, I can. They'll all come, I'm sure of it. Emma is quite the handful still, eh? She makes me certain in my decision to never be a mom. I'm cool with always being the awesome aunt." I can practically hear Alya smiling, making me laugh in response.

"She gives greatly powerful headaches, but she's worth it in every way. I'll let you go now, I'll text you the details of our impromptu party later tonight." I look over at my confused husband staring at me with a cocked eyebrow. I mouth over to him, later. I'll explain it all after dinner. Emma rushes over to him, jumping into his arms.

"Daddy, we got to make pawty decowations" She beams up at him, making him laugh with a nod.

"Sounds good, baby. Let's get started."

"Absolutely." Alya answers me. "Oh, and Mari? You're doing a great job. You're an amazing mom, okay? Just take it easy." My best friend does what she's always done best, which is comfort me even without being told I needed it in the first place.

"Thanks, Alya. I love you, talk later."

"Love you too, girl." With that, she hangs up and leaves me with a big smile on my face.

Becoming a mother was one of the hardest thing's I've ever done, and most days I worry I'm failing at it. But Adrien has always done an amazing job at sharing his weight around here with not just parenting our daughter, but also cooking, cleaning and handling business. I've had amazing role models growing up to teach me what good parenting was, and though Adrien didn't always have that, he's turned out to be the best father I could have ever imagined anyone being.

"Time to start dinner?" Tikki smiles up at me, making me roll my eyes at my little kwami.

"Seems like every waking minute that I'm not working is spent cooking and cleaning." I groan, but truthfully I'm not that tired. I feel full, like my life is more beautiful and fulfilling than I could have ever dreamed.

"As someone who has been around for many billions of years, I promise you that you're a great mom, Marinette. I'm so thankful to be apart of this journey with you." Tikki gives me a big hug, nuzzling up to my cheek.

"I love you Tikki, thank you for always sticking by my side."

"Always, Marinette. You're my family." I damn near tear up at that, looking at the phone to dial up my parents. They'll want to join our impromptu party as well.

"And you are mine, Tikki."

"Hey, nice party you threw together on such short notice. What's the occasion?" Luka smiles at me, a cup of fruit punch in his hand.

"Oh, you know Emma. Never need a reason for a party! Thank you for coming with such short notice."

"Anytime, would never want to disappoint the little Princess. After all, she is the first baby born in the friend group." He chuckles, eyes darting over to see Chloe playing with Emma and Becks. To all of our surprise, she's amazing with the kids. And she just adores Emma as if she was her own daughter.

Chloe always had mother issues, and for that reason she told me she never was sure she wanted to be a mom. After giving birth to Emma, Chloe decided she loved my baby so much she wanted one of her own.

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