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Velgrynd POV

When I proposed myself to be apart of Rimuru's Soul so that I wouldn't be able to give even the tiniest amounts of Information to the future to both Michael and Feldway

I also just wanted to spend time with Rimuru, since my time with him is quite short, even more so relatively with everyone else as well, with me being more so in the Empire than with Tempest at the previous timeline, because of that I wanted to returned to this time by Rimuru's side more than anything 

And when I successfully arrived back to the past, what I expected to see was the same void space that I saw when I was trapped in his stomach when I lost to him in that fight, and to see a Massive Screen that is showing his Cute and Blue Slime Form 

The Void Space and the Screen was all in expectations, but the thing that I didn't expect was his current form wasn't a cute slime, but that of an Azure Dragon 

" Ciel! Why has Rimuru's Race changed?! " I yelled out, wanting answers for this current predicament, since sure his Race being that of an Arch Dragon would naturally ranked him above Slime, and even his named version from Veldora, but still as a Slime he naturally held a lot of advantages as well 

「The reason why Master's form is that of a Dragon, is because of Master's Soul is far more powerful than his past, with him being a True Dragon, and with me also using your Soul to fixed some of Master's missing pieces, I was able to fully repair his Soul, while absorbing his Past Self's soul. As a result of that, Master is no longer a Slime, with him now being a Arch Dragon, well with him having both the characteristics of Slime and an Arch Dragon, so it's better to call his current Race to be a Slime Arch Dragon」

Hearing that, I couldn't helped but laugh a little at that, since he is the same as always, always destroying the common sense of the World, but after that I did grow worried on why Rimuru isn't waking up though

「You don't need to worry about Master, this is something that did happened, since his Soul is still integrating itself in his newer and better body, with me also extending it so that I could make him acquire all of his new Skills」

Hearing that, I did sigh in relief that Rimuru is fine

「Want to see his new Status?」

Hearing that, I did became quite curious of it and just accepted, and the status that I saw was quite something, especially for a new born 

Name: ---

EP: 500,000

Race: Slime Arch Dragon 

Protection/Blessing: ---

Title: Unique Dragon
             Time Traveller

Magic: Elemental Magic
                Physic Magic
                Summoning Magic
                Spirit Magic
                True Dragon Magic

Manas: Ciel(·Alteration | ·Thought Acceleration | ·Future Attack Prediction | ·Analytical Appraisal | ·Parallel Operation | ·Synthesis | ·Separation | ·Chant Annulment | ·All of Creation | ·Food Chain | ·Thought Domination | ·Law Domination | ·Attribute Conversion)

Intrinsic Skills: Infinite Regeneration - Universal Sense - Universal Shapeshift - Multilayer Barrier - Universal Thread - Material Creation 

Unique Skills:

The Emperor(·The Emperor's Aura | ·The Emperor's Blessings | ·The Emperor's Banner | ·The Emperor's Road)

Acceleration(·Acceleration | ·Thought Acceleration | ·Ultra Instinct | ·Fighting Instinct)

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