Scarlett is crying lightly "my little boy is moving"

'Stop the crocodile tears'

"Always a pleasure, mom, dad" I move away from them but they follow me.

"What?" 'why can't they just leave me alone'

"We want you to cut contact with Katrine, Oliver" what's supposed to be my mother says.

"Why?" I say I can't even believe what I'm hearing.

"You know why" Michael says.

"Fine but you better treat her right" I'm so pissed at them for this.

"What do you care?" Scarlett says.

'Where did the tears go huh? Right they were non existent'

"Can't I just take her with me? I'm sure she won't mind" 'please say yes'

"No Oliver she's our daughter not yours" Scarlett says as if she actually cares about her and not just that the basically have a free maid that is never complaining about the work.

'Right I forgot you just want a free maid'

I turn to my little sister.

"Get I get a moment with Katrine?" I ask.

When they don't move I say.

"Alone please" they walk away our mother rolling her eyes.


When they're fully gone I turns to her.

"Katrine I need you to listen very closely okay" she nods.

"Good" I look around to be sure no one is listening or looking because I'm gonna look really suspicious.

"Oliver what is this about?" she asks when I don't start talking right away.

'Inpatient as ever'

"Shhh" I look around again and see something  "someone is listing" 'she'll think you're going crazy'

"Katrine lets go on a drive for a bit" I walk over to the car.

I take us on a drive but don't say anything just yet.

"So, what is it Oli?"

"You need to promise me that if dad ever threatens you with anything that you contact me right away" 'again with the crazy'

"I promise" she doesn't mean it, I can see it in her eyes.

"Katrine I need you to mean it" I stopped the car and stares right into her eyes.

I see her expression change before she says"I do Oliver"

By the time we get back the moving truck is gone along with all of my things.

"I don't want you to move Oli" she gets a little emotional.

"Kitty I'm just moving to Indianapolis, it's not that far away" I know it's not a lot of reassurance for her but it's the only thing I can tell her.

"But-" I cut her off by saying.

"No buts Kitty, you can always call me and I'll come right over and pick you up, okay?" It's not really a question but more of a statement.

"Fine but you need to stay in contact with me" she is dead serious.

"Of course Kitty" I offer her a small hug because I know she needs it.

"And you need to tell me if anything is wrong, anything at all" I don't let go just yet knowing this will be my last hug for a while.

"I promise" and with that I let go of her.

"And remember this isn't goodbye forever" I goes to my car ready to get out of here.

"Nothing is forever, everything is relative" she quotes me. I used to tell her that all the time when we were at our grandparents house or when she was sad.

I'm in my car, I look I the review mirror and see Katrine already get schooled by our parents.

'I can't take this'

I turn the car around and walk out.

I run to Katrine.

"Shh everything is going to be okay, I'll be right here" I say even the I need it's a big fat lie.

"But what about, you know what" she's referring to our secret.

"Katrine, alt er tys-tys, glemt i al evighed, bare rolig det vores hemmelighed" she looks partly relieved and a little weirded out.

"Did you really just quote that band 'vild smith'?" She looks like she could start laughing at any given moment.

"I sure did Kitty" I smile at her.

✁     ✃     ✁


I got it out, maybe not before sleeping but it's still out.

So don't come for me for possible spelling and grammar mistakes I've gotten less than 4 hours of sleep and I woke up about 2 hours ago and it'll edit it later as the other chapter.

I'm literally pulling these chapters out of thin air.

So this was my last chapter before making a real storyline so there's still open for suggestions.

Any you have some good recipes for my recipe book?

Only love.

SHM <3

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