☠Chapter Two☠

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☠Chapter Two: The Wanted Explanation☠

"Ok, so, uh, we have a problem." says Zara.

"There's a problem?! Did you kill someone?!" I cried.

"Of course not," snorts Courtney. "We aren't allowed to at the YSU."

"Shush, Court! We aren't supposed to say 'YSU'!"

"Whatever, that's where we're going anyways. She would figure it out. But we aren't allowed to kill. Just stun or taze. We can hurt them, knock em out, do what's necessary and only kill in drastic situations." Courtney said.

"So...did that count as a drastic situation?" Zara asked hopefully.

"Of course not, Zar, that was like twenty guys!"

Zara winced.

"Oh, Jesus, Zara did you kill someone?!" Courtney suddenly realizes what Zara is talking about.

Zara nods. "I think."

"Zara!" Courtney curses under her breath. "You'll be in so much trouble! It's okay, we can blame it on that dude. It'll work out. Blame it on him. Say he shot him while he was trying to shoot you. And then you took his guns. That's our alibi. Got it, Ivy?"

I nodded. "So...why do you guys know how to shoot? And how are you guys suddenly so athletic?"

"We were pretending to not be athletic. Think, Ivy!" Courtney rolls her eyes.

"Court! That's rude, she isn't a s-s-s-uper genius like us!" Zara says.

"Bad save," Courtney says.

"Are you guys spies?" I asked.

"WTF?" Courtney snorts.

"That explains a lot." I said.

"No we're not!" Courtney said. Her eyes flickered to Zara for a second.

"Yes you are. You're lying. You looked at Zara for a millisecond. Also, your hands are in your pocket! Dead giveaway!"

"This might be why they want her," Courtney says. "She remembers sign language which you taught her years ago, she can detect lies and she's decent in strength, speed, stamina and intelligence."

"And she picks up quick. She hasn't been freaking out." Zara raises her eyebrows and nods at me.

"Yeah she has. Just not too badly." Courtney says.

"Zara..." I say warningly as she turns the car straight for the lake. "Even people aren't allowed to swim in there.You think cars are?"

Zara steps on the gas and the car zooms towards the lake and lands with a splash.

I scream as the car rockets to the bottom. The lake is deeper than expected. Another thing that is not expected is us landing on a metal floor. Zara pushes a button and above us a roof, or fake lake floor closes, and the water washes away.

"Ah, she didn't keep her cool then," Courtney shakes her head.

"Sorry," I say. "That was freaking scary."

"If she thinks that's scary I don't know what we are going to-" Court begins.

"Court, shut up. You screamed on the car ride here when you were first recruited." Zara says.

"Yeah," I added. "And tried to roll down the windows and swim out of the lake."

Zara and Courtney looked at me in disbelief.

"Come on, remember when you write a 'fiction' story for class? It was about spies. I'm guessing it was all real?"

"I did write that...and I did put Courtney in there." Zara giggled.

"We gotta go," Courtney says sullenly.

We follow her through glass double doors and start to climb stairs.

"So you guys are spies?" I say.

"Yep." Courtney says.

"You told me you were a perfectly normal teenage girl!" I cried, suddenly very angry about everything they had hidden from me.

"Yeah...about that...I Lied." Courtney smirked and flipped her high ponytail.

"Well, no dip, Sherlock."

"Where are we going? Main Room 817?" Zara asks.

"Yep," Courtney says.

We enter a fancy glass door and see a man wearing a fancy black tux. All men spies wear tuxs, and all women spies wear these weird tight black body suits.

"Is this Ivy?" the man asks.

"No, it's Cinderella," Courtney says sarcastically.

"Ah, Ivy. How are you? Hungry? Thirsty? Would you like something to settle your stomach?"

"No," I say flatly. "I'm fine."

"Ah, okay. My name is Dennis. Agent Dennis, if you please. I'm sure you don't know what's going on?"

"Well, I know you guys are spies. I know this is your base." I said.

"Courtney! Zara! You told her?!"

"No. She figured it out herself," Zara said.

"Oh. Impressive! That makes it official!" says Agent Dennis. "Except..."


Agent Dennis suddenly began to ignore us, pulled out his cell phone and started to type away.

Courtney sighed. "He always does this."

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