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1975, 26th December- Friday

Polaris sat on the cool wooden floor of his bedroom, the atmosphere heavy with silence. The dark navy curtains were drawn, allowing slivers of light to seep through and cast faint shadows across the room.

Hunched over, he rested his elbows on his knees, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the intricate carvings of the chess pieces on the board before him.

A grey blanket draped over his head, enveloping him in a small cocoon of solitude. From beneath the shelter of the blanket, he stared idly at the chessboard, his thoughts consumed by a maelstrom of emotions and uncertainties.

His mind struggled to comprehend the weight of what his father had revealed to him, the power that coursed through his veins.

Part of him wanted to dismiss it as mere fabrication, a figment of imagination or a twisted family tale. Yet, another part of him, deep within the recesses of his being, whispered the possibility of truth. The thought both intrigued and frightened him, like a flickering flame dancing on the edge of darkness.

Polaris grappled with the conflicting emotions that churned within him. Fear tugged at the corners of his mind, whispering of the unknown and the potential consequences of such power. Uncertainty gnawed at his heart, questioning his own identity and the path that lay ahead.

Lost in his thoughts, he stared blankly at the chess pieces.

Polaris remained lost in his thoughts, oblivious to the soft creak of his bedroom door as it swung open. The sound barely registered in his mind, the weight of his emotions keeping him firmly rooted in his inner turmoil. He was startled when a voice pierced through the silence, slicing through the depths of his contemplation.

"I see you're enjoying the darkness," Regulus's voice dripped with sarcasm as he stood at the doorway, dressed in elegant robes befitting a special occasion. His tone held a hint of amusement, as if finding amusement in Polaris's brooding solitude.

Polaris's attention snapped to his younger brother, his gaze locking onto Regulus as he moved towards the curtains. A flicker of annoyance danced in Polaris's eyes, momentarily overshadowing the waves of confusion and uncertainty.

With a swift motion, Regulus pulled open the two sets of curtains, allowing the streaming light to flood the room. The sudden intrusion of brightness made Polaris instinctively shield his eyes, grateful for the protection offered by the blanket draped over his head.

As the streaming light filled the room, Regulus's gaze lingered on his younger brother, observing him in silence. Concern etched lines of worry across his face, his brows furrowing with a weighty mixture of uncertainty and affection.

Something had changed within Polaris, and Regulus couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that his little brother was shouldering a burden too heavy for his young shoulders.

The image of their parents conversing with their grandfather lingered in Regulus's mind, haunting his thoughts with its unspoken implications. The cryptic discussions, the solemn expressions, the shared glances—they all pointed to a hidden truth, a secret that gnawed at Regulus's heart.

A thousand questions danced on the tip of his tongue yet fear and the unknown held his words captive. What if he was overreacting? What if his concerns were unfounded? But the ache in his chest refused to dissipate, whispering of a deep-rooted unease that demanded his attention.

Regulus took a tentative step closer to Polaris, his eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and determination.

Silence enveloped them, the weight of unspoken worries hanging heavily in the air.

Another Star- Polaris BlackWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu