6- The Journey Begins

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[Words: 6125]

1975, 1 September- Monday

Polaris sat in the Hogwarts Express, his figure adorned in a meticulously crafted black robe, a testament to his mother's discerning taste. The luxurious fabric, woven from the finest materials, embraced his form with an elegance that demanded attention.

Its intricate silver embroidery, depicting the family crest, shimmered under the soft light of the train compartment.

As Polaris looked out of the window, the platform still bustling with activity, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The Hogwarts Express had yet to depart, and he observed the flurry of students bidding farewell to their families. Their laughter and chatter filled the air, contrasting with the slight heaviness in his heart.

His mother had accompanied him to the platform. Standing by her side felt like an eternity as she went on and on about the importance of upholding the family's reputation and not disappointing her.

Her words echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of the weight of expectations resting upon his shoulders.

Meanwhile, his father, absorbed in his work, had deemed it more important to attend to his responsibilities rather than being there to see Polaris off.

It stung deeply, a sense of unfairness settling within him. Both his older brothers had been granted the privilege of their father's presence during their departures, but it seemed that as the third son, Polaris was deemed less important in his father's eyes. It was a bitter pill to swallow, fuelling a mixture of disappointment and resentment.

And yet, as Polaris looked out of the window of the Hogwarts Express, he couldn't help but acknowledge a small sense of gratitude that his mother had been there, even if she had given him a headache with her incessant lectures. At least her presence had provided some semblance of support and comfort.

It was far better than the alternative of having Kreature, their old and grumpy house elf, drop him off. The thought of that scenario made Polaris shudder, realizing that his mother's overbearing nature was, in its own way, a form of affection and concern.

As Polaris recalled the conversation with his father about work, he remembered how he had pretended not to be bothered by his absence. His father had explained that something urgent had come up, and Polaris had forced a smile, assuring him that he understood.

But deep down, he couldn't comprehend what could be so important that his father couldn't spare a few moments to see him off on this significant day. It stung, even though he tried to hide his disappointment.

As Polaris was lost in his thoughts, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the train window, the compartment door suddenly swung open.

His attention snapped back to the present, revealing his best friend, Corvus Avery, standing in the doorway. Corvus, with his sandy blond hair and piercing hazel eyes, exuded an air of confidence and mischief.

Corvus grinned as he stepped inside, his attire reflecting his casual yet stylish nature. He wore a well-fitted button-down shirt in a rich shade of emerald, green, paired with tailored trousers and polished leather shoes. A hint of mischief danced in his eyes as he took a seat opposite Polaris, his excitement evident.

"I'm glad I finally found you, Polaris," Corvus exclaimed, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Honestly, if I hadn't spotted you, I was seriously considering sitting with my cousins. At least I know where they are, you know? I'd rather avoid the awkwardness of sitting in a carriage with a bunch of random people." Corvus continued as he made himself at home in the carriage taking a seat opposite Polaris.

Another Star- Polaris BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora