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Sal sat down at the table with his friends I think Sal was just paranoid but it seemed like everyone was ignoring him I mean it seemed like that to him but they were porbbaly wrapped up in their own conversations so Sal just sat there. Until

Ash: Hey are you okay Sal you haven't said a single word

Sal: I don't know I just don't have anything to add to the conversation..

Larry: He's been weird ever since he got "sick" he even skipped he never skips

Ash: Huh...

Sal: I'm fine you guys are losing it

Sal was lying right through his teeth and knew for sure he was the one losing it.. Sals' mind drifted off back to Travis.. he saw him messing with some kid for his linch money like a bully from some Disney movie. Sal chuckled a bit at his own joke.. then a wave of sadness overcame him.. he told himself how weird and insane and stupid he was for liking him.. wait did Sal like him. Shit, he did. Maybe I should try and talk to him.. the worst that could happen is... ugh never mind a lot could happen. But i should still talk to him maybe sort this out.

Sal slowly walks over to Travis who was in the middle of yelling at some geek for something but my heart was racing too fast to hear

Sal hesitantly walks up to Travis and tries to talk

Sal: Hey.. Travis

Travis stops what he's doing to glare at Sal

Travis: What do you want

He replies with a sarcastic voice

Sal: Can we talk.. Please

Travis stops glaring and starts looking concerned actually

Travis: Uh okay fag..

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