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Chapter 12 : The Shore Was Kissed By Sea And Mist Tenderly ... I Can't Forget How Two Hearts Met Breathlessly

Dear Tom,

Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! I'm so grateful we get to spend another Christmas together. When I was with my aunt and uncle, the holidays used to make me sad because they would remind me of how alone I was. Especially because Aunt Petunia used to say holidays are all about family, and I had a feeling even then that I didn't belong in theirs.

But now, just thinking of you lights me up with Christmas cheer! Because this will be our first Christmas together as family, Tom ♡ A real family. I know it won't change how we celebrate it at Wool's, but I would like it if we had some Christmas traditions just for the two of us one day.

Yesterday, I learned something really interesting that I think you'd like. It was actually in my physiology book. When a snake strikes, it can move so fast because it uses its muscles like a bow and arrow. It's called "elastic recoil." We do it too, but for other things.

What kind of snake do you think you would be if you were a snake? I looked through the snake book you borrowed from the library and I think you would be an eyelash viper. What kind of snake do you think I would be? Do you think we'd still be best friends if we were both snakes? Oh, also! Did you know snakes are a symbol of healing? It's because the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius, really liked snakes. He had this stick that he carried around with a snake on it. I think we should have learned about him in history class instead of all the boring Roman Emperors because he actually did cool stuff.

Oops, this was meant to be a Christmas letter but I just ended up going on about other stuff. Anyway, what do you think about Christmas trees? Oliver wrote that he and Jane and his parents decorated theirs this weekend since their tree was delivered really late. I was thinking, what if we got a branch from outside and made some ornaments for it? We could string some light orbs on it too. Then we could have our very own Christmas tree (and our first tradition!).

All my love,


P.S. Please stop using the dinosaur book when you write your letters. It is making them very hard to read :(




My beloved Harry,

Merry Christmas again. I am writing this letter beside our Christmas branch, though I must confess it does not look very Christmassy because of all the dried flowers you've stuck on it. I understand we had limited options to decorate, but really, it looks more like an Easter branch than anything, Harry. One must consider the aesthetics of these things. Though our branch is a gaudy little thing (because of all the flowers, obviously—no, not because of my handcrafted paper ornaments, you imp), I find I am fond of it nevertheless. In the future, we will have a Christmas tree for every room in our house, but I admit I will always think fondly of our first one. Perhaps, we should decorate a branch together every year in memory of it.

Your lovely thought of this being our first Christmas together as a family has filled me with the most wonderful feeling of giddiness all day that has lasted even through the most boring Christmas church sermon in the world.

In your letter, you expressed your gratefulness for our getting to spend 'another' Christmas together. I share the sentiment deeply, but I will admit I am a little miffed at the phrasing. Will we not be spending all of our Christmases together, darling?

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